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The official Jupyter Conference
Aug 21-22, 2018: Training
Aug 22-24, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

Tuesday, 08/21/2018


9:00am–5:00pm Tuesday, 08/21/2018
1-Day Training Location: Concourse A
Vijay Reddy (Google Cloud)
Average rating: **...
(2.00, 1 rating)
Vijay Reddy walks you through the process of building machine learning models with TensorFlow. You'll learn about data exploration, feature engineering, model creation, training, evaluation, deployment, and more. Read more.
9:00am–5:00pm Tuesday, 08/21/2018
Enterprise and organizational adoption, Extensions and customization, Usage and application
2-Day Training Location: Concourse B Level: Intermediate
Zachary Glassman (The Data Incubator)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Zachary Glassman leads a hands-on dive into building intelligent business applications using machine learning, walking you through all the steps of developing a machine learning pipeline. You'll explore data cleaning, feature engineering, model building and evaluation, and deployment and extend these models into two applications using real-world datasets. Read more.
9:00am–5:00pm Tuesday, 08/21/2018
2-Day Training Location: Concourse E Level: Intermediate
Wenming Ye (Amazon Web Services), Miro Enev (NVIDIA)
Average rating: **...
(2.00, 1 rating)
Wenming Ye and Miro Enev offer an overview of deep learning along with hands-on Jupyter labs, demos, and instruction. You'll learn how DL is applied in modern business practice and how to leverage building blocks from the Amazon ML family of AI services. Read more.
9:00am–5:00pm Tuesday, 08/21/2018
1-Day Training Location: Concourse F
Rachael Tatman (Kaggle)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Rachael Tatman shows you how to take an existing research project and make it fully reproducible using Kaggle Kernels. You'll learn best practices for and get hands-on experience with each of the three components necessary for completely reproducible research. Read more.


12:30pm–1:30pm Tuesday, 08/21/2018
Location: Murray Hill A
Lunch (1h)


5:30pm–7:30pm Tuesday, 08/21/2018
Location: Tanner Smith’s
Kick off a great week at JupyterCon by meeting some of your fellow attendees at a casual happy hour. Read more.

Wednesday, 08/22/2018


8:00am–9:00am Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Location: South Corridor
Morning Coffee (1h)


9:00am–5:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
1-Day Training Location: Concourse A
Chris Colbert (Project Jupyter), Ian Rose (UC Berkeley), Saul Shanabrook (Quansight)
Chris Colbert, Ian Rose, and Saul Shanabrook walk you through using, extending, and developing custom components for JupyterLab using PhosphorJS, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS. You'll learn how to make full use of the power features of JupyterLab, customize it to your needs, and develop custom extensions, making complete use of JupyterLab's current capabilities. Read more.
9:00am–5:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
1-Day Training Location: Concourse F
chris cho (Google)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Christopher Cho demonstrates how Kubernetes can be easily leveraged to build a complete deep learning pipeline, including data ingestion and aggregation, preprocessing, ML training, and serving with the mighty Kubernetes APIs. Read more.
9:00am–12:30pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Carol Willing (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), Min Ragan-Kelley (Simula Research Laboratory), Erik Sundell (IT-Gymnasiet Uppsala)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Carol Willing, Min Ragan-Kelley, and Erik Sundell demonstrate how to provide easy access to Jupyter notebooks and JupyterLab without requiring users to install anything on their computers. You'll learn how to configure and deploy a cloud-based JupyterHub using Kubernetes and how to customize and extend it for your needs. Read more.
9:00am–12:30pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Community, Training and education
Location: Murray Hill B Level: Beginner
Jane Herriman (Julia Computing)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Jane Herriman uses Jupyter notebooks to show you why Julia is special, demonstrate how easy it is to learn, and get you writing your first Julia programs. Read more.
9:00am–12:30pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Data visualization, Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Gramercy A Level: Intermediate
Noemi Derzsy (AT&T Labs)
Networks, also known as graphs, are one of the most crucial data structures in our increasingly intertwined world. Social friendship networks, the web, financial systems, and infrastructure are all network structures. Noemi Derzsy explains how to generate, manipulate, analyze, and visualize graph structures that will help you gain insight about relationships between elements in your data. Read more.
9:00am–12:30pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
April Clyburne-Sherin (Code Ocean)
Average rating: ***..
(3.00, 2 ratings)
April Clyburne-Sherin walks you through preparing Jupyter notebooks for computationally reproducible publication. You'll learn best practices for publishing notebooks and get hands-on experience preparing your own research for reuse, creating documentation, and submitting your notebook to share. Read more.


12:30pm–1:30pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Location: Americas Hall 1
Lunch (1h)


1:30pm–5:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Core architecture
Location: Murray Hill A Level: Intermediate
Kyle Kelley (Netflix)
Average rating: **...
(2.00, 3 ratings)
Kyle Kelley walks you through creating a new web application from the ground up, teaching you how to build on top of Jupyter's protocols in the process. Along the way, you'll learn about Jupyter's REST and streaming APIs, message spec, and the notebook format. Read more.
1:30pm–5:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Location: Murray Hill B
Bruno Goncalves (Data For Science), Matt Brems (General Assembly)
This two-part tutorial presents a sequence of advanced topics in Data Science, based on using Jupyter. Read more.
1:30pm–5:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Training and education
Location: Gramercy A Level: Intermediate
Rachael Tatman (Kaggle)
Average rating: ***..
(3.33, 3 ratings)
Rachael Tatman offers practical introduction to incorporating Jupyter notebooks into the classroom using active learning techniques. Read more.
1:30pm–5:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Location: Gramercy B
Jason Grout (Bloomberg), Matthias Bussonnier (UC Berkeley BIDS)
JupyterLab—Jupyter's new frontend—goes beyond the classic Jupyter Notebook, providing a flexible and extensible web application with a set of reusable components. Jason Grout and Matthias Bussonnier walk you through using JupyterLab, explain how to transition from the classic Jupyter Notebook frontend to JupyterLab, and demonstrate JupyterLab's new powerful features. Read more.


5:00pm–6:30pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Location: Americas Hall 1
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 3 ratings)
The Jupyter Poster Session is an opportunity for you to discuss your work with other attendees and presenters. Posters will be presented Wednesday evening in a friendly, networking setting so you can mingle with the presenters and discuss their work one on one. Read more.


7:00pm–10:00pm Wednesday, 08/22/2018
Location: Various Locations
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Get to know your fellow attendees over dinner. We've made reservations for you at some of the most sought-after restaurants in town. This is a great chance to make new connections and sample some of the great cuisine New York City has to offer. Read more.

Thursday, 08/23/2018


8:00am–8:50am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Morning Coffee (50m)
8:00am–5:00pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Gramercy
Help shape the future of Jupyter's user experience. We’ll be testing new UI ideas for JupyterLab, listening to your needs, and involving you in idea generation. Read more.


8:15am–8:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: 3rd Floor Promenade
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Ready, set, network! Meet fellow attendees who are looking to connect at JupyterCon. We'll gather before Thursday keynotes for an informal speed networking event. Be sure to bring your business cards—and remember to have fun. Read more.


8:50am–8:55am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Paco Nathan (, Fernando Perez (UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Brian Granger (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
JupyterCon cochairs Paco Nathan, Fernando Pérez, and Brian Granger open the first day of keynotes. Read more.


8:55am–9:10am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Will M Farr (Stony Brook University)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Will Farr shares examples of Jupyter use within the LIGO and Virgo Scientific Collaborations and offers lessons about the (many) advantages and (few) disadvantages of Jupyter for large, global scientific collaborations. Along the way, Will speculates on Jupyter's future role in gravitational wave astronomy. Read more.


9:10am–9:20am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Paco Nathan (
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
Jupyter is built on a set of extensible, reusable building blocks, expressed through various open protocols, APIs, and standards. For many use cases, these are combined to provide extensible software architecture for interactive computing with data. Paco Nathan shares a few somewhat unexpected things that emerged in 2018. Read more.


9:20am–9:35am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Carol Willing (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
New challenges are emerging for Jupyter, open information, and investing in the future. You, the innovators of this growing knowledge commons, will determine how we meet these challenges and sustain the ecosystem. Carol Willing shows how you can start. Read more.


9:35am–9:40am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Average rating: ****.
(4.75, 4 ratings)
IBM has leveraged the Jupyter stack in many of its products to offer industry-leading and business-critical services to its clients. Luciano Resende explores some of the open source initiatives that IBM is leading in the Jupyter ecosystem to address enterprise requirements in the community. Read more.


9:40am–9:55am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
mark hansen (Columbia Journalism School | The Brown Institute for Media Innovation)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 5 ratings)
Beyond Twitter, Facebook, and similar networks, without question, data, code, and algorithms are forming systems of power in our society. Mark Hansen explains why it is crucial that journalists—explainers of last resort—be able to interrogate these systems, holding power to account. Read more.


9:55am–10:10am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Julia Meinwald (Two Sigma Investments)
Average rating: ****.
(4.33, 3 ratings)
Julia Meinwald outlines a few effective ways Two Sigma has identified to support the unseen labor maintaining a healthy open source ecosystem and details how the company’s thinking on this topic has evolved. Read more.


10:10am–10:25am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Dan Mbanga (Amazon Web Services)
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
Keynote by Dan Romuald Mbanga Read more.


10:25am–10:30am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Closing remarks Read more.


10:30am–11:05am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Morning Break (Sponsored by Netflix) (35m)


11:05am–11:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Training and education
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Beginner
Lorena Barba (George Washington University), Robert Talbert (Grand Valley State University)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
In flipped learning, students encounter new material before class meetings, which helps them learn how to learn and frees up class time to focus on creative applications of the basic material. Lorena Barba and Robert Talbert discuss the use of Jupyter notebooks as a “tangible interface” for new material in a flipped course and share case studies from their own courses. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Data visualization, Integrations with other Software, Kernels
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Intermediate
Sylvain Corlay (QuantStack), Johan Mabille (QuantStack), Wolf Vollprecht (QuantStack), Martin Renou
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
Sylvain Corlay, Johan Mabille, Wolf Vollprecht, and Martin Renou share the latest features of the C++ Jupyter kernel, including live help, auto-completion, rich MIME type rendering, and interactive widgets. Join in to explore one of the most feature-full implementations of the Jupyter kernel protocol that also brings Jupyter closer to the metal. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Diogo Castro (CERN)
SWAN, CERN’s service for web-based analysis, leverages the power of Jupyter to provide the high energy physics community access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and services through a web service. Diogo Castro offers an overview of SWAN and explains how researchers and students are using it in their work. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory | University of Chicago)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
The Globus service simplifies the utilization of large and distributed data on the Jupyter platform. Ian Foster explains how to use Globus and Jupyter to seamlessly access notebooks using existing institutional credentials, connect notebooks with data residing on disparate storage systems, and make data securely available to business partners and research collaborators. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit
Brian Granger (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 4 ratings)
Over the past two years, we have seen a dramatic shift in Jupyter’s deployment, from ad hoc usage by individuals to production enterprise application at scale. Brian Granger explains how this has expanded the Jupyter community and revealed new use cases with new challenges and opportunities. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Regent Parlor
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Luciano Resende outlines a pattern for building deep learning models using the Jupyter Notebook's interactive development in commodity hardware and leveraging platforms and services such as Fabric for Deep Learning (FfDL) for cost-effective full dataset training of deep learning models. Read more.


11:55am–12:35pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
JupyterHub deployments, Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Non-technical
Mariah Rogers (UC Berkeley Division of Data Sciences), Julian Kudszus (UC Berkeley Division of Data Sciences)
The Data Science Modules program at UC Berkeley creates short explorations into data science using notebooks to allow students to work hands-on with a dataset relevant to their course. Mariah Rogers, Ronald Walker, and Julian Kudszus explain the logistics behind such a program and the indispensable features of JupyterHub that enable such a unique learning experience. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
JupyterHub deployments, Usage and application
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Non-technical
Yuvi Panda (Data Science Education Program (UC Berkeley))
Running infrastructure is challenging for an open source community. Yuvi Panda shares lessons drawn from the small community that operates, covering the social and technical processes for keeping reliable in the most open, transparent, and inclusive way possible, using pretty graphs about the state of that anyone can see in real time. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Adam Thornton (LSST)
LSST is an ambitious project to map the sky in the fastest, widest, and deepest survey ever made. The project's database disrupts traditional astronomical workflows, and its science platform requires a paradigm shift in how astronomy is done. Adam Thornton discusses the challenges of providing production services on a notebook-based architecture and the compelling advantages of JupyterLab. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Chris Harris (Kitware)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
In silico prediction of chemical properties has seen vast improvements in both veracity and volume of data but is currently hamstrung by a lack of transparent, reproducible workflows coupled with environments for visualization and analysis. Chris Harris offers an overview of a platform that uses Jupyter notebooks to enable an end-to-end workflow from simulation setup to visualizing the results. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit, JupyterHub deployments
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit Level: Non-technical
David Schaaf (Capital One), Shivraj Ramanan (Capital One)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 6 ratings)
In Capital One's recent exploration of "notebook" offerings, JupyterHub emerged as a top contender that could serve as a potential platform for analytics even in highly regulated industries like financial services. David Schaaf and Shivraj Ramanan discuss Capital One's journey and explain how Jupyter has become a part of the company's ever-growing analytics toolkit. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Regent Parlor
Kevin McCormick (Amazon Web Services), Vladimir Zhukov (Amazon Web Services)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Kevin McCormick explains the story of two approaches which were used internally at AWS to accelerate new ML algorithm development, and easily package Jupyter notebooks for scheduled execution, by creating custom Jupyter kernels that automatically create Docker containers, and dispatch them to either a distributed training service or job execution environment. Read more.


12:35pm–1:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Americas Hall 1
Topic Table discussions are a great way to informally network with people in similar industries or interested in the same topics. Read more.


1:50pm–2:30pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Training and education
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Beginner
Rob Newton (Trinity School)
In an effort to broaden graduates' mathematical toolkit and address gender equity in STEM education, Rob Newton has led the implementation of Python projects across his school's entire ninth-grade math courses. Now every student in the ninth grade completes three python projects that introduce programming and integrate them with the ideas developed in class. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Extensions and customization, Jupyter subprojects, Usage and application
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Intermediate
Matthew Seal (Netflix)
Using an nteract project, papermill, Matthew Seal walks you through how Netflix uses notebooks to track user jobs and make a simple interface for work submission. You’ll get an inside peek at how Netflix is tackling the scheduling problem for a range of users who want easily managed workflows. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Ryan Abernathey (Columbia University), Yuvi Panda (Data Science Education Program (UC Berkeley))
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Climate science is being flooded with petabytes of data, overwhelming traditional modes of data analysis. The Pangeo project is building a platform to take big data climate science into the cloud using SciPy and large-scale interactive computing tools. Join Ryan Abernathey and Yuvi Panda to find out what the Pangeo team is building and why and learn how to use it. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Tony Fast (Ronin), Nick Bollweg (Georgia Tech Research Institute)
Average rating: **...
(2.00, 3 ratings)
Notebook authors often consider only the interactive experience of creating computable documents. However, the dynamic state of a notebook is a minor period in its lifecycle; the majority is spent as a file at rest. Tony Fast and Nick Bollweg explore conventions that create notebooks with value long past their inception as documents, software packages, test suites, and interactive applications. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Community, JupyterCon Business Summit
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit Level: Non-technical
Matt Greenwood (Two Sigma Investments)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Matt Greenwood explains why Two Sigma, a company in a space notorious for protecting IP, thinks it's important to contribute to the open source community. Matt covers the evolution of Two Sigma's thinking and policies over the past five years and makes a case for why other companies should make a commitment to the open source ecosystem. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Regent Parlor
Chakri Cherukuri (Bloomberg LP)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Chakri Cherukuri offers an overview of the interactive widget ecosystem available in the Jupyter notebook and illustrates how Jupyter widgets can be used to build rich visualizations of machine learning models. Along the way, Chakri walks you through algorithms like regression, clustering, and optimization and shares a wizard for building and training deep learning models with diagnostic plots. Read more.


2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Beekman/Sutton North
Carol Willing (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), Natalia Clementi (The George Washington University), James Colliander (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences), Allen Downey (Olin College of Engineering), Jason Moore (UC Davis), Danny Caballero (Michigan State University)
Join this panel of seasoned educators and the cochairs of the education track at JupyterCon to look to the future of Jupyter in teaching and learning. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South
Min Ragan-Kelley (Simula Research Laboratory), Carol Willing (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), Yuvi Panda (Data Science Education Program (UC Berkeley))
JupyterHub is a multiuser server for Jupyter notebooks, focused on supporting deployments in research and education. Min Ragan-Kelley, Carol Willing, and Yuvi Panda discuss recent additions and future plans for the project. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
William Stein (SageMath, Inc. | University of Washington)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
William Stein explains how CoCalc relates to Project Jupyter and shares how he implemented real-time collaborative editing of Jupyter notebooks in CoCalc. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Viral Shah (Julia Computing), Jane Herriman (Julia Computing), Stefan Karpinski (Julia Computing, Inc.)
Julia and Jupyter share a common evolution path: Julia is the language for modern technical computing, while Jupyter is the development and presentation environment of choice for modern technical computing. Viral Shah and Jane Herriman discuss Julia's journey and the impact of Jupyter on Julia's growth. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Enterprise and organizational adoption, JupyterCon Business Summit, Usage and application
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit Level: Non-technical
Dave Stuart (Department of Defense )
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Dave Stuart explains how Jupyter was used inside the US Department of Defense and the greater intelligence community to empower thousands of "citizen data scientists" to build and share analytics in order to meet the community’s dynamic challenges. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Regent Parlor
Michelle Ufford (Netflix)
Average rating: ***..
(3.50, 2 ratings)
Netflix relies on notebooks to inform decisions and fuel experiments across the company. Now Netflix wants to go even further to deliver a compelling notebook experience for end-to-end workflows. Michelle Ufford shares some of the big bets Netflix is making on notebook infrastructure, covering data use at Netflix, architecture, kernels, UIs, and open source projects, such as nteract. Read more.


3:20pm–4:10pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Afternoon Break (Sponsored by IBM Watson) (50m)


4:10pm–4:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Community, Jupyter subprojects, Training and education
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Non-technical
Carol Willing (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), Jessica Forde (Jupyter), Erik Sundell (IT-Gymnasiet Uppsala)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Students learn by doing. Carol Willing, Jessica Forde, and Erik Sundell demonstrate the value of interactive content, using Jupyter notebooks, widgets, and visualization libraries, share notable examples of projects within the Jupyter community, and outline ways educators can help students develop data science literacy and use computational skills to build upon their interests. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Enterprise and organizational adoption, Extensions and customization
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Intermediate
Stephanie Stattel (Bloomberg LP), Paul Ivanov (Bloomberg LP)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 3 ratings)
Stephanie Stattel and Paul Ivanov walk you through a series of extensions that demonstrate the power and flexibility of JupyterLab’s architecture, from targeted functionality modifications to more extreme atmospheric changes that require extensive decoupling and flexibility within JupyterLab. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Thorin Tabor (University of California, San Diego)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Making Jupyter accessible to all members of a research organization, regardless of their programming ability, empowers it to best utilize the latest analysis methods while avoiding bottlenecks. Thorin Tabor offers an overview of the GenePattern Notebook, which offers a wide suite of enhancements to the Jupyter environment to help bridge the gap between programmers and nonprogrammers. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Data visualization
Location: Nassau Level: Intermediate
Nicolas Fernandez (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Nicolas Fernandez offers an overview of Clustergrammer-Widget, an interactive heatmap Jupyter widget that enables users to easily explore high-dimensional data within a Jupyter notebook and share their interactive visualizations using nbviewer. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit
Julia Lane (Center for Urban Science and Progress and Wagner School, NYU)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Government agencies have found it difficult to serve taxpayers because of the technical, bureaucratic, and ethical issues associated with access and use of sensitive data. Julia Lane explains how the Coleridge Initiative has partnered with Jupyter to design ways that can address the core problems such organizations face. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Regent Parlor


5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Beekman/Sutton North
Lorena Barba (George Washington University), Robert Talbert (Grand Valley State University)
The Jupyter in education track concludes with breakout sessions that allow presenters and attendees alike to work together on specific topics, potentially leading to new projects and collaborations. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Core architecture, Data visualization, Extensions and customization
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Intermediate
M Pacer (Netflix)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 4 ratings)
Jupyter displays a rich array of media types out of the box. M Pacer explains how to use these capabilities to their full potential, covering how to add rich displays to existing and new Python classes and how to customize the way notebooks are converted to other formats. These skills will enable anyone to make beautiful objects with Jupyter. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Bo Peng (The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Bo Peng offers an overview of Script of Scripts (SoS), a Python 3-based workflow engine with a Jupyter frontend that allows the use of multiple kernels in one notebook. This unique combination enables users to analyze data using multiple scripting languages in one notebook and, if needed, convert scripts to workflows in situ to analyze large amounts of data on remote systems. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Tim Head (Wild Tree Tech)
Average rating: ****.
(4.33, 3 ratings)
The Binder project drastically lowers the bar to sharing and reusing software. Users wanting to try out someone else’s work need only click a single link to do so. Tim Head offers an overview of the Binder project and explores the concepts and ideas behind it. Tim then showcases examples from the community to show off the power of Binder. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit
David Schaaf (Capital One), Julia Lane (Center for Urban Science and Progress and Wagner School, NYU), Dan Mbanga (Amazon Web Services), Dave Stuart (Department of Defense ), Michael Li (The Data Incubator), Pramit Choudhary (
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
Join in for the Business Summit's roundtable discussion with participation from IBM, Capital One, the DoD, AWS, Oracle, and others. Speakers will discuss important issues in our current environment—everything from compliance and GDPR to ML models. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Regent Parlor


5:45pm–6:45pm Thursday, 08/23/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Wind down after a full day of sessions with delicious snacks and drinks as you network with attendees, speakers, and sponsors. The attendee reception is sponsored by Two Sigma. Read more.

Friday, 08/24/2018


8:00am–9:00am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Morning Coffee (1h)
8:00am–5:00pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Gramercy
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Help shape the future of Jupyter's user experience. We’ll be testing new UI ideas for JupyterLab, listening to your needs, and involving you in idea generation. Read more.


8:15am–8:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: 3rd Floor Promenade
Ready, set, network! Meet fellow attendees who are looking to connect at JupyterCon. We'll gather before Friday keynotes for an informal speed networking event. Be sure to bring your business cards—and remember to have fun. Read more.


8:50am–8:55am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Paco Nathan (, Fernando Perez (UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Brian Granger (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
JupyterCon cochairs Paco Nathan, Fernando Pérez, and Brian Granger open the second day of keynotes. Read more.


8:55am–9:10am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Tracy Teal (The Carpentries)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
We are generating vast amounts of data, but it's not the data itself that is valuable—it's the information and knowledge that can come from this data. Tracy Teal explains how to bring people to data and empower them to address their questions, reach their potential, and solve issues that are important in science, scholarship, and society. Read more.


9:10am–9:25am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Ryan Abernathey (Columbia University)
Average rating: ****.
(4.33, 3 ratings)
Drawing on his experience with the Pangeo project, Ryan Abernathey makes the case for the large-scale migration of scientific data and research to the cloud. The cloud offers a way to make the largest datasets instantly accessible to the most sophisticated computational techniques. A global scientific data commons could usher in a golden age of data-driven discovery. Read more.


9:25am–9:30am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Michelle Ufford (Netflix)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 5 ratings)
Netflix is reimagining what a Jupyter notebook is, who works with it, and what you can do with it. Michelle Ufford shares how Netflix leverages notebooks today and describes a brief vision for the future. Read more.


9:30am–9:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
David Schaaf (Capital One)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
David Schaaf explains how data science and data engineering can work together in cross-functional teams—with Jupyter notebooks at the center of collaboration and the analytic workflow—to more effectively and more quickly deliver results to decision makers. Read more.


9:45am–9:50am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Cristian Capdevila (Prognos)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 3 ratings)
Cristian Capdevila explains how Prognos is predicting disease by applying a combination of modern machine learning techniques and clinical expertise to the world’s largest clinical lab database and how the company is leveraging Amazon SageMaker to accelerate model development, training, and deployment. Read more.


9:50am–10:05am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Michelle Gill (BenevolentAI)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 3 ratings)
Michelle Gill explains how data science methodologies and tools can be used to link information from different scientific fields and accelerate discovery in a variety of areas, including the biological sciences. Read more.


10:05am–10:20am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Fernando Perez (UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
In 2018, UC Berkeley launched a new major in data science, anchored by two core courses that are the fastest-growing in the history of the university. Fernando Pérez discusses the program and explains how the core courses, which now reach roughly 40% of the campus population, are extending data science into specific domains that cover virtually all disciplinary areas of the campus. Read more.


10:20am–10:30am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Closing remarks Read more.


10:30am–11:05am Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Morning Break (Sponsored by Amazon Web Services, Inc.) (35m)


11:05am–11:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
Laura Noren (Obsidian Security)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Laura Noren offers an overview of a research project on the various infrastructure models supporting data science in research settings in terms of funding, educational uses, and research utilization. Laura then shares some of the findings, comparing the national federation model currently established in Canada to the more grassroots efforts in many US universities. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
Jackson Brown (Allen Institute for Cell Science), Aneesh Karve (Quilt)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 3 ratings)
Reproducible data is essential for notebooks that work across time, across contributors, and across machines. Jackson Brown and Aneesh Karve demonstrate how to use an open source data registry to create reproducible data dependencies for Jupyter and share a case study in open science over terabyte-size image datasets. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
Data visualization, Integrations with other Software, Usage and application
Location: Murray Hill Level: Intermediate
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Kerim Kalafala and Nicholai L'Esperance share their experiences using Jupyter notebooks as a critical aid in designing the next generation of IBM Power and Z processors, focusing on analytics on graphs consisting of hundreds of millions of nodes. Along the way, Kerim and Nicholai explain how they leverage Jupyter notebooks as part of their overall design system. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
Reproducible research and open science
Location: Nassau Level: Beginner
Sandra Savchenko-de Jong (Swiss Data Science Center)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Sandra Savchenko-de Jong offers an overview of Renku, a highly scalable and secure open software platform designed to make (data) science reproducible, foster collaboration between scientists, and share resources in a federated environment. Read more.
11:05am–11:45am Friday, 08/24/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit, Usage and application
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit Level: Intermediate
Jinli Ma (Synchrony Financial)
Average rating: *....
(1.50, 2 ratings)
In the corporate tax world, Microsoft Excel—the king of spreadsheets—is the default tool for tracking information and managing tasks, but tax professionals are often annoyed by slowly updating or broken linked or referenced cells within or between spreadsheets. Jinli Ma explains how the Jupyter Notebook does a better job than Microsoft Excel with the original issued discount calculation process. Read more.


11:55am–12:35pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Ian Allison (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences), James Colliander (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Over the past 18 months, Ian Allison and James Colliander have deployed Jupyter to more than 8,000 users at universities across Canada. Ian and James offer an overview of the Syzygy platform and explain how they plan to scale and deliver the service nationally and how they intend to make Jupyter integral to the working experience of students, researchers, and faculty members. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South
Maarten Breddels (Maarten Breddels), Sylvain Corlay (QuantStack)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Project Jupyter aims to provide a consistent set of tools for data science workflows, from the exploratory phase of the analysis to the sharing of the results. Maarten Breddels and Sylvain Corlay offer an overview of Jupyter's interactive widgets framework, which enables rich user interaction, including 2D and 3D interactive plotting, geographic data visualization, and much more. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Tyler Erickson (Google)
Massive collections of data on the Earth's changing environment, collected by satellite sensors and generated by Earth system models, are being exposed via web APIs by multiple providers. Tyler Erickson highlights the use of JupyterLab and Jupyter widgets in analyzing complex high-dimensional datasets, providing insights into how our Earth is changing and what the future might look like. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Nassau Level: Beginner
Joel Grus (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
I have been using and teaching Python for many years. I wrote a best-selling book about learning data science. And here's my confession: I don't like notebooks. (There are dozens of us!) I'll explain why I find notebooks difficult, show how they frustrate my preferred pedagogy, demonstrate how I prefer to work, and discuss what Jupyter could do to win me over. Read more.
11:55am–12:35pm Friday, 08/24/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit, Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit Level: Beginner
Catherine Ordun (Booz Allen Hamilton)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 5 ratings)
Many US government agencies are just getting started with machine learning. As a result, data scientists need to de-"black box" models as much as possible. One simple way to do this is to transparently show how the model is coded and its results at each step. Notebooks do just this. Catherine Ordun walks you through a notebook built for RNNs and explains how government agencies can use notebooks. Read more.


12:35pm–1:50pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Americas Hall 1
Topic Table discussions are a great way to informally network with people in similar industries or interested in the same topics. Read more.


1:50pm–2:30pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Extensions and customization, Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Beginner
Douglas Blank (Comet.ML)
For the last four years, Douglas Blank has used nothing but Jupyter in the classroom—from a first-year writing course to a course on assembly language, from biology to computer science, from lectures to homework. Join in to learn how Douglas has leveraged Jupyter and discover the successes and failures he experienced along the way. Nicole Petrozzo then offers a student's perspective. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Community, Usage and application
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Beginner
Holden Karau (Independent), matthew hunt (Bloomberg)
Many of us believe that gender diversity in open source projects is important. (If you don’t, this isn’t going to convince you.) But what things are correlated with improved gender diversity, and what can we learn from similar historic industries? Holden Karau and Matt Hunt explore the diversity of different projects, examine historic EEOC complaints, and detail parallels and historic solutions. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Seth Lawler (Dewberry)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Creating flood maps for coastal and riverine communities requires geospatial processing, statistical analysis, finite element modeling, and a team of specialists working together. Seth Lawler explains how using the feature-rich JupyterLab to develop tools, share code with team members, and document workflows used in the creation of flood maps improves productivity and reproducibility. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Friday, 08/24/2018
David Koop (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Dataflow notebooks build on the Jupyter Notebook environment by adding constructs to make dependencies between cells explicit and clear. David Koop offers an overview of the Dataflow kernel, shows how it can be used to robustly link cells as a notebook is developed, and demonstrates how that notebook can be reused and extended without impacting its reproducibility. Read more.
1:50pm–2:30pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Data visualization, Extensions and customization, JupyterCon Business Summit, JupyterHub deployments
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit Level: Beginner
George Williams (GSI Technology), Harini Kannan (Capsule8), Alex Comerford (Capsule8)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
The key to successful threat detection in cybersecurity is fast response. George Williams, Harini Kannan, and Alex Comerford offer an overview of specialized extensions they have built for data scientists working in cybersecurity that can be used and deployed via JupyterHub. Read more.


2:40pm–3:20pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Documentation, Reproducible research and open science, Training and education
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Non-technical
Elizabeth Wickes (School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
As practitioners of open science begin to migrate their educational material into pubic repositories, many of their common practices and platforms can be used to streamline the instruction material development process. Elizabeth Wickes explains how open science practices can be used in an educational context and why they are best facilitated by tools like the Jupyter Notebook. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South
Afshin Darian (Two Sigma | Project Jupyter), M Pacer (Netflix), Min Ragan-Kelley (Simula Research Laboratory), Matthias Bussonnier (UC Berkeley BIDS)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 2 ratings)
Jupyter's straightforward, out-of-the-box experience has been important for its success in widespread adoption. But good defaults only go so far. Join Afshin Darian, M Pacer, Min Ragan-Kelley, and Matthias Bussonnier to go beyond the defaults and make Jupyter your own. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Extensions and customization, Kernels, Usage and application
Location: Murray Hill Level: Intermediate
Randy Zwitch (MapD)
MapD Core is an open source analytical SQL engine that has been designed from the ground up to harness the parallelism inherent in GPUs. This enables queries on billions of rows of data in milliseconds. Randy Zwitch offers an overview of the MapD kernel extension for the Jupyter Notebook and explains how to use it in a typical machine learning workflow. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Kevin Zielnicki (Stitch Fix)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
Even with good intentions, analysis notebooks can quickly accumulate a mess of false starts and out-of-order statements. Best practices encourage cleaning up a notebook to ensure reproducibility, but many analyses will never reach this cleaned-up state. Kevin Zielnicki offers an overview of Nodebook, a Jupyter plugin that encourages reproducibility by preventing inconsistency. Read more.
2:40pm–3:20pm Friday, 08/24/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit
Gerald Rousselle (Teradata)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Gerald Rouselle reviews some of the trends in modern data and analytics ecosystems for large enterprises and shares some of the key challenges and opportunities for Jupyter adoption. He also details some recent examples and experiments in incorporating Jupyter in commercial products and platforms. Read more.


3:20pm–4:10pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Sponsor Pavilion (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
Afternoon Break (50m)


4:10pm–4:50pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Community, Extensions and customization, Usage and application
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Intermediate
Sam Lau (UC Berkeley), Caleb Siu (UC Berkeley)
The nbinteract package converts Jupyter notebooks with widgets into interactive, standalone HTML pages. Its built-in support for function-driven plotting makes authoring interactive pages simpler by allowing users to focus on data, not callbacks. Sam Lau and Caleb Siu offer an overview of nbinteract and walk you through the steps to publish an interactive web page from a Jupyter notebook. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South
Ian Rose (UC Berkeley), Chris Colbert (Project Jupyter)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Ian Rose and Chris Colbert walk you through the JupyterLab interface and codebase and explain how it fits within the overall roadmap of Project Jupyter. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Sean Gorman (DigitalGlobe)
Satellite imagery can be a critical resource during disasters and humanitarian crises. While the community has improved data sharing, we still struggle to create reusable data science to solve problems on the ground. Sean Gorman offers an overview of GBDX Notebooks, a step toward creating an open data science community built around Jupyter to stream imagery and share analysis at scale. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Data visualization, Kernels, Usage and application
Location: Nassau Level: Beginner
Lindsay Richman (McKinsey & Co.)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)
JupyterLab and Plotly both provide a rich set of tools for working with data. When combined, they create a powerful computational environment that enables users to produce versatile, robust visualizations in a fast-paced setting. Lindsay Richman demonstrates how to use JupyterLab, Plotly, and Plotly's Python-based Dash framework to create dynamic charts and interactive reports. Read more.
4:10pm–4:50pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Romit Mehta (PayPal), Praveen Kanamarlapudi (PayPal)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Hundreds of PayPal's data scientists, analysts, and developers use Jupyter to access data spread across filesystem, relational, document, and key-value stores, enabling complex analytics and an easy way to build, train, and deploy machine learning models. Romit Mehta and Praveen Kanamarlapudi explain how PayPal built its Jupyter infrastructure and powerful extensions. Read more.


5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Extensions and customization, Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Beginner
Damián Avila (Anaconda, Inc.)
RISE has evolved into the main slideshow machinery for live presentations within the Jupyter notebook. Damián Avila explains how to install and use RISE. You'll also discover how to customize it and see some of its new capabilities. Damián concludes by discussing the migration from RISE into a new JupyterLab-RISE extension providing RISE-based capabilities in the new JupyterLab interface. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Integrations with other Software, Usage and application
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South Level: Beginner
John Miller (Honeywell UOP)
John Miller offers an overview of the Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN), a full-featured client for the Jupyter Notebook in Emacs, and shares a brief history of its development. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Joshua Patterson (NVIDIA), Keith Kraus (NVIDIA), Leo Meyerovich (Graphistry)
Joshua Patterson, Leo Meyerovich, and Keith Kraus demonstrate how to use PyGDF and other GoAi technologies to easily analyze and interactively visualize large datasets from standard Jupyter notebooks. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, 08/24/2018
Scott Sanderson (Quantopian)
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
Scott Sanderson explores how interactivity can and should influence the design of software libraries, details how the needs of interactive users differ from the needs of application developers, and shares techniques for improving the usability of libraries in interactive environments without sacrificing robustness in noninteractive environments. Read more.
5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, 08/24/2018
JupyterCon Business Summit
Location: Concourse A: Business Summit
Paco Nathan (
The Business Summit concludes with "unconference"-style breakout sessions that allow enterprise stakeholders to give input to Project Jupyter directly. Read more.