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The official Jupyter Conference
Aug 21-22, 2018: Training
Aug 22-24, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

Democratizing data

Tracy Teal (The Carpentries)
8:55am–9:10am Friday, August 24, 2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)

We are generating vast amounts of data, but it’s not the data itself that is valuable—it’s the information and knowledge that can come from this data. However, we’re limited in translating this sea of data into discovery and solutions, because we lack a diverse set of people with the skills, perspective, and access to work effectively with data.

Tracy Teal explains how to bring people to data—rather than just bringing data to compute or compute to data—and empower them to address their questions, reach their potential, and solve issues that are important in science, scholarship, and society.

Photo of Tracy Teal

Tracy Teal

The Carpentries

Tracy Teal is a cofounder of Data Carpentry and the executive director of The Carpentries. Previously, Tracy was an NSF postdoctoral researcher in biological informatics and an assistant professor in microbiology at Michigan State University. After seeing researchers’ need for effective data skills to effectively and reproducibly conduct research, she cofounded Data Carpentry to scale data training along with data production. Tracy is involved in the open source software and reproducible research communities, including as an editor at the Journal for Open Source Software and Journal for Open Source Education. She holds a PhD in computation and neural systems from California Institute of Technology.