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The official Jupyter Conference
Aug 21-22, 2018: Training
Aug 22-24, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Rachael Tatman

Rachael Tatman
Data Scientist, Kaggle

Website | @rctatman

Rachael Tatman is a data scientist at Kaggle. She holds a PhD in linguistics from the University of Washington, with a focus in computational sociolinguistics. Her interests include data science education and fairness in machine learning.


9:00am–5:00pm Tuesday, August 21, 2018
1-Day Training Location: Concourse F
Rachael Tatman (Kaggle)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Rachael Tatman shows you how to take an existing research project and make it fully reproducible using Kaggle Kernels. You'll learn best practices for and get hands-on experience with each of the three components necessary for completely reproducible research. Read more.
1:30pm–5:00pm Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Training and education
Location: Gramercy A Level: Intermediate
Rachael Tatman (Kaggle)
Average rating: ***..
(3.33, 3 ratings)
Rachael Tatman offers practical introduction to incorporating Jupyter notebooks into the classroom using active learning techniques. Read more.