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The official Jupyter Conference
Aug 21-22, 2018: Training
Aug 22-24, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Michelle Ufford

Michelle Ufford
Engineering Manager, Data Platform Architecture Core, Netflix

Website | @MichelleUfford

Michelle Ufford leads the big data tools team at Netflix. She specializes in analytics infrastructure and has spent the last decade leading high-impact projects in web-scale environments. Her team is responsible for innovations to improve the usability of Netflix’s 100 PB data warehouse and industry-leading data platform. Previously, she led data engineering, data management, and platform architecture for GoDaddy, where she set a TPS record for SQL Server and helped pioneer Hadoop data warehousing techniques. Michelle is also a published author, patented developer, and award-winning open source contributor. You can find her on Twitter at @MichelleUfford.


2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, August 23, 2018
Location: Regent Parlor
Michelle Ufford (Netflix)
Average rating: ****.
(3.50, 2 ratings)
Netflix relies on notebooks to inform decisions and fuel experiments across the company. Now Netflix wants to go even further to deliver a compelling notebook experience for end-to-end workflows. Michelle Ufford shares some of the big bets Netflix is making on notebook infrastructure, covering data use at Netflix, architecture, kernels, UIs, and open source projects, such as nteract. Read more.
9:25am–9:30am Friday, August 24, 2018
Location: Grand Ballroom
Michelle Ufford (Netflix)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 5 ratings)
Netflix is reimagining what a Jupyter notebook is, who works with it, and what you can do with it. Michelle Ufford shares how Netflix leverages notebooks today and describes a brief vision for the future. Read more.