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The official Jupyter Conference
Aug 21-22, 2018: Training
Aug 22-24, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Viral Shah

Viral Shah
Cofounder and CEO, Julia Computing


Viral B. Shah is a cofounder and CEO of Julia Computing and a cocreator of the Julia language. He spends all his time on working toward making Julia the default language for all forms of data science and numerical computing. Previously, he architected the payment platforms for the National ID (Aadhaar) project of the Government of India and authored Rebooting India, a book on his experiences implementing a complex technology project in governance. Viral holds a PhD in computational sciences from UC Santa Barbara, where his thesis was on interactive supercomputing. The technology developed in his thesis was licensed commercially by Microsoft.


2:40pm–3:20pm Thursday, August 23, 2018
Viral Shah (Julia Computing), Jane Herriman (Julia Computing), Stefan Karpinski (Julia Computing, Inc.)
Julia and Jupyter share a common evolution path: Julia is the language for modern technical computing, while Jupyter is the development and presentation environment of choice for modern technical computing. Viral Shah and Jane Herriman discuss Julia's journey and the impact of Jupyter on Julia's growth. Read more.