Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
21–22 May 2018: Training
22–24 May 2018: Tutorials & Conference
London, UK

Schedule: Law, ethics, and governance sessions

9:0012:30 Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 9 Level: Non-technical
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy
Aurélie Pols (Mind Your Privacy)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Aurélie Pols walks you through a "5+5 pillars" framework for GDPR readiness, explaining what the GDPR means to data-fueled businesses. You'll learn how to attribute responsibility to assure compliance and build toward ethical data practices, minimizing risk for your company while fostering trust with your clients. Read more.
9:0017:00 Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 4
Paul Lashmet (Arcadia Data), Anthony Culligan (SETL), Konrad Sippel (Deutsche Börse), Paul Lynn (Nordea), Mikheil Nadareishvili (TBC Bank), Olaf Hein (ORDIX AG), Robert Passarella (Alpha Features), Louise Beaumont (Publicis Groupe | techUK | NPSO), Alistair Croll (Solve For Interesting), Robert Passarella (Alpha Features), Christina Erlwein-Sayer (OptiRisk Systems), Angelique Mohring (GainX), Saeed Amen (Cuemacro), Gisele Frederick (
From analyzing risk and detecting fraud to predicting payments and improving customer experience, take a deep dive into the ways data technologies are transforming the financial industry. Read more.
9:0017:00 Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 2/3
Dan Jeavons (Shell), Hollie Lubbock (Fjord), Jivan Virdee (Fjord), fausto morales (Arundo), Marty Cochrane (Arundo), Jane McConnell (Teradata), Paul Ibberson (Teradata), Michael Troughton (Conduce), Jonathan Genah (DHL Supply Chain), Allison Nau (Cox Automotive UK), Dave Fitch (The Data Lab), Maria Assunta Palmieri (Data Reply ), Niranjan Thomas (Dow Jones), Erik Elgersma (FrieslandCampina), Viola Melis (Typeform), carme artigas (Synergic Partners), Nuria Bombardo (Pepsico)
Hear practical insights from household brands and global companies: the challenges they tackled, approaches they took, and the benefits—and drawbacks—of their solutions. Read more.
13:3017:00 Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 15 Level: Intermediate
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy
Mark Donsky (Okera), Steffen Maerkl (Cloudera), Andre Araujo (Cloudera)
Hybrid big data deployments present significant new security risks. Security admins must ensure a consistently secured and governed experience for end users and administrators across multiple workloads. Mark Donsky, Steffen Maerkl, and André Araujo share best practices for meeting these challenges as they walk you through securing a Hadoop cluster. Read more.
11:1511:55 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 12 Level: Non-technical
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy
Steven Touw (Immuta)
Average rating: ****.
(4.25, 4 ratings)
The Strata Data conference in London takes place during one of the most important weeks in the history of data regulation, as GDPR begins to be enforced. Steve Touw explores the effects of the GDPR on deploying machine learning models in the EU. Read more.
11:1511:55 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 14
Secondary topics:  Media, Advertising, Entertainment, Security and Privacy
Guillaume Chaslot (AlgoTransparency)
Average rating: ****.
(4.17, 6 ratings)
An increasing number of ex-Google and ex-Facebook employees state that social media is starting to control us rather than the other way around. How can we determine if social media is a pure reflection of people's interests or if it pushes us toward specific narratives? Guillaume Chaslot explores methodologies to find out which narratives are favored by social media recommendation engines. Read more.
11:1511:55 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 17 Level: Intermediate
Secondary topics:  Financial Services, Security and Privacy
Mark Donsky (Okera), Syed Rafice (Cloudera)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect for firms doing business in the EU, but many companies aren't prepared for the strict regulation or fines for noncompliance (up to €20 million or 4% of global annual revenue). Mark Donsky and Syed Rafice outline the capabilities your data environment needs to simplify compliance with GDPR and future regulations. Read more.
12:0512:45 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 7 Level: Intermediate
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy
Federico Leven (ReactoData)
Average rating: **...
(2.67, 3 ratings)
The apparent difficulty of managing Hadoop compared to more traditional and proprietary data products makes some companies wary of the Hadoop ecosystem, but managing security is becoming more accessible in the Hadoop space, particularly in the Cloudera stack. Federico Leven offers an overview of an end-to-end security deployment on Hadoop and the data and security governance policies implemented. Read more.
14:0514:45 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 14 Level: Non-technical
Jivan Virdee (Fjord), Hollie Lubbock (Fjord)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Artificial intelligence systems are powerful agents of change in our society, but as this technology becomes increasingly prevalent—transforming our understanding of ourselves and our society—issues around ethics and regulation will arise. Jivan Virdee and Hollie Lubbock explore how to address fairness, accountability, and the long-term effects on our society when designing with data. Read more.
14:5515:35 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 8/9 Level: Intermediate
Ivan Kelly (Streamlio)
Average rating: ***..
(3.00, 2 ratings)
Ivan Kelly offers an overview of Apache Pulsar, a durable, distributed messaging system, underpinned by Apache BookKeeper, that provides the enterprise features necessary to guarantee that your data is where is should be and only accessible by those who should have access. Read more.
16:3517:15 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 15/16 Level: Intermediate
Jude Mccorry (The Data Lab), Mahmood Adil (NHS National Services Scotland)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
Jude McCorry and Mahmood Adil offer an overview of Data Collaboratives, a new form of collaboration beyond the public-private partnership model, in which participants from different sectors  exchange data, skills, leadership, and knowledge to solve complex problems facing children in Scotland and worldwide. Read more.
17:2518:05 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 7 Level: Beginner
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy
Nikki Rouda (Cloudera), Nick Curcuru (Mastercard)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 2 ratings)
Having so many cloud-based analytics services available is a dream come true. However, it's a nightmare to manage proper security and governance across all those different services. Nikki Rouda and Nick Curcuru share advice on how to minimize the risk and effort in protecting and managing data for multidisciplinary analytics and explain how to avoid the hassle and extra cost of siloed approaches. Read more.
17:2518:05 Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 10/11 Level: Intermediate
Jorie Koster-Hale (Dataiku)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 3 ratings)
Because crime is affected by a number of geospatial and temporal features, predicting crime poses a unique technical challenge. Jorie Koster-Hale shares an approach using a combination of open source data, machine learning, time series modeling, and geostatistics to determine where crime will occur, what predicts it, and what we can do to prevent it in the future. Read more.
14:0514:45 Thursday, 24 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 17 Level: Beginner
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy, Telecom
Alasdair Allan (Babilim Light Industries)
The increasing ubiquity of the internet of things has put a new focus on data privacy. Big data is all very well when it's harvested quietly and stealthily, but when your things tattle on you behind your back, it's a very different matter altogether. Alasdair Allan explains why the internet of things brings with it a whole new set of big data problems that can't be ignored. Read more.
14:5515:35 Thursday, 24 May 2018
Location: Capital Suite 17 Level: Non-technical
Secondary topics:  Security and Privacy
Kate Vang (DataKind UK), Christine Henry (DataKind UK)
Not a day goes by without reading headlines about the fear of AI or how technology seems to be dividing us more than bringing us together. DataKind UK is passionate about using machine learning and artificial intelligence for social good. Kate Vang and Christine Henry explain what socially conscious AI looks like and what DataKind is doing to make it a reality. Read more.