Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
21–22 May 2018: Training
22–24 May 2018: Tutorials & Conference
London, UK
Mikheil Nadareishvili

Mikheil Nadareishvili
Head, Data Science Unit, TBC Bank


Mikheil Nadareishvili is deputy head of BI at TBC Bank, in charge of company-wide data science initiative. His main responsibilities include overseeing development of data science capability and embedding it in business to achieve maximum business value. Previously, Mikheil applied data science to various domains, most notably real estate (to determine housing market trends and predict real estate prices) and education (to determine factors that influence students’ educational attainment in Georgia).


Data-driven business management
Location: Capital Suite 4 Level: Beginner
Average rating: ***..
(3.60, 5 ratings)
Over the last three years, TBC Bank has transitioned from a product-centric approach to a client-centric one, which has included the development of advanced customer analytics. Mikheil Nadareishvili discusses this transition and explains how the company implemented an integrated 360-degree view of customer and advanced analytics, enabling personalized service. Read more.