Sep 23–26, 2019
Chris Wiggins
Chief data scientist | Professor, NYT | Columbia
Chris Wiggins is an associate professor of applied mathematics at Columbia University and the Chief Data Scientist at The New York Times. At Columbia he is a founding member of the executive committee of the Data Science Institute, and of the Department of Systems Biology, and is affiliated faculty in Statistics.
2:05pm–2:45pm Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Location: 1A 08/10
Secondary topics:
Culture and Organization
Ann Spencer (Domino),
Amy Heineike (Primer),
Paco Nathan (,
Chris Wiggins (NYT | Columbia)
If, as a data scientist, you've wondered why it takes so long to deploy your model into production or, as an engineer, thought data scientists have no idea what they want, you're not alone. Join a lively discussion with industry veterans Ann Spencer, Paco Nathan, Amy Heineike, and Chris Wiggins to find best practices or insights on increasing collaboration when developing and deploying models.
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