Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
September 11, 2018: Training & Tutorials
September 12–13, 2018: Keynotes & Sessions
New York, NY
Tawny Nichols

Tawny Nichols
Chief Information Officer , Select Data

Tawny Nichols is chief information officer at SelectData, where she is responsible for new product development, clinical tools, and all technology-related needs. She also leads SelectData’s innovation of data-driven business models. Tawny has over 15 years’ experience supporting the homecare industry. She is currently pursuing an MS in healthcare informatics at the University of San Diego.


1:10pm–1:50pm Thursday, 09/13/2018
Location: 1A 06/07 Level: Intermediate
Secondary topics:  Health and Medicine, Text and Language processing and analysis
David Talby (Pacific AI), Alberto Andreotti (John Snow Labs), Stacy Ashworth (SelectData), Tawny Nichols (Select Data)
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David Talby, Alberto Andreotti, Stacy Ashworth, and Tawny Nichols outline a question-answering system for accurately extracting facts from free-text patient records and share best practices for training domain-specific deep learning NLP models. The solution is based on Spark NLP, an extension of Spark ML that provides state-of-the-art performance and accuracy for natural language understanding. Read more.