Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
September 11, 2018: Training & Tutorials
September 12–13, 2018: Keynotes & Sessions
New York, NY
Stacy Ashworth

Stacy Ashworth
Chief Clinical Officer , SelectData

Stacy Ashworth is a registered nurse and chief clinical officer at SelectData. Stacy’s professional interests lie in the use of technology to improve the quality of care through better decision making. An accomplished speaker, she has served as a contributor to the healthcare informatics and technology track of the 2016 Business and Health Administration Association meeting, performing research regarding the evaluation of glucose monitoring technologies for cost-effective and quality control/management of diabetes. She holds a master’s degree in healthcare administration with an emphasis in informatics. Postacute care, geriatrics, and coding may be her passions, but her love is firmly centered on her family of two lively teenagers, a spouse, and a couple of schnauzers to keep things interesting.


1:10pm–1:50pm Thursday, 09/13/2018
Location: 1A 06/07 Level: Intermediate
Secondary topics:  Health and Medicine, Text and Language processing and analysis
David Talby (Pacific AI), Alberto Andreotti (John Snow Labs), Stacy Ashworth (SelectData), Tawny Nichols (Select Data)
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David Talby, Alberto Andreotti, Stacy Ashworth, and Tawny Nichols outline a question-answering system for accurately extracting facts from free-text patient records and share best practices for training domain-specific deep learning NLP models. The solution is based on Spark NLP, an extension of Spark ML that provides state-of-the-art performance and accuracy for natural language understanding. Read more.