Engineering the Future of Software
Feb 3–4, 2019: Training
Feb 4–6, 2019: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Paula Paul

Paula Paul
Distinguished Engineer, Slalom Build


Paula Paul is a Distinguished Engineer with Slalom Build, where she helps organizations adopt cloud native technology and serves the community as an ABI Syster, diversity speaker, and mentor. Paula entered the workforce as a software engineer at IBM in the early ’80s, where she shipped her first product on magnetic tape. She’s shipped many software products since then, evangelized .NET with Microsoft, held executive positions in technology architecture and operations, and taught people of all ages to code. Paula is passionate about equal opportunities for technical literacy and enjoys (half) joking that Kubernetes reminds her of IBM/370 systems programming.


1:15pm–2:05pm Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Location: Sutton North
Paula Paul (Slalom Build), Rosemary Wang (ThoughtWorks)
Average rating: ****.
(4.21, 14 ratings)
Even if you're not ready to adopt a microservices architecture, you still want the benefits of rapidly deployable, highly automated infrastructure that enables rapid delivery of new features and services. Paula Paul and Rosemary Wang offer a deeper look at the necessary set of products and capabilities for a delivery infrastructure to support a distributed service or microservice architecture. Read more.