Building a Better Web
June 11–12, 2018: Training
June 12–14, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA
Luis Vieira

Luis Vieira
Frontend Architect,


Luis Vieira is a frontend architect a, the number-one ecommerce website for luxury fashion.
Over his eight-year career in the frontend space, Luis has built a broad range of applications, from enterprise apps to large-scale consumer-facing websites.


4:25pm–5:05pm Thursday, June 14, 2018
Mobile and Desktop
Location: 210 B/F
Secondary topics:  Case study, Developer Experience Track: Tools, Platforms, and Techniques, Technical
Luis Vieira (
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Luis Vieira offers an overview of the current progressive web app (PWA) landscape and explains how to leverage new APIs such as client hints, service workers, and network information to create PWAs that are highly adaptive to users' devices and contexts and that can offer a tailored and optimized experience that accounts for each device's unique characteristics. Read more.