Presented By O’Reilly and Intel AI
Put AI to work
Sep 4-5, 2018: Training
Sep 5-7, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Francisco, CA
Clemens Mewald

Clemens Mewald
Product Manager, Google

Clemens Mewald is a product manager in Google’s Research and Machine Intelligence Group. He is the product lead for TensorFlow Extended (TFX), an end-to-end ML platform based on TensorFlow, and several other TensorFlow products. Clemens holds an MSc in computer science from UAS Wiener Neustadt, Austria, and an MBA from MIT Sloan.


4:00pm-4:40pm Thursday, September 6, 2018
Sponsored, TensorFlow at AI
Location: Continental 6
Clemens Mewald (Google)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
As machine learning evolves from experimentation to serving production workloads, so does the need to effectively manage the end-to-end training and production workflow including model management, versioning, and serving. Clemens Mewald offers an overview of TensorFlow Extended (TFX), the end-to-end machine learning platform for TensorFlow that powers products across all of Alphabet. Read more.