Presented By O’Reilly and Intel AI
Put AI to work
Sep 4-5, 2018: Training
Sep 5-7, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Francisco, CA
Yi-Chia Wang

Yi-Chia Wang
Data Scientist II, Applied Machine Learning, Uber

Yi-Chia Wang is a data scientist on the applied machine learning team at Uber. Yi-Chia’s research interests and skills combine language processing technologies, machine learning methodologies, and social science theories to analyze large-scale data and understand social behavior in online environments. Previously, she worked on question answering and information retrieval. Yi-Chia holds a PhD from the Language Technologies Institute, part of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Her thesis developed a new machine learning model to measure self-disclosure in social networking site communication at scale and used it to better understand the contexts in which users disclose more or less about themselves.


11:55am-12:35pm Thursday, September 6, 2018
Secondary topics:  Text, Language, and Speech
Piero Molino (Uber AI), Huaixiu Zheng (Uber), Yi-Chia Wang (Uber )
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Uber has implemented an ML and NLP system that suggests the most likely solutions to a ticket to its customer support representatives, making them faster and more accurate while providing a better user experience. Piero Molino, Huaixiu Zheng, and Yi-Chia Wang describe how Uber built the system with traditional and deep learning models and share the lessons learned along the way. Read more.