Presented By O’Reilly and Intel AI
Put AI to work
Sep 4-5, 2018: Training
Sep 5-7, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Francisco, CA
Piero Molino

Piero Molino
Senior Research Scientist, Uber AI

Website | @w4nderlus7

Piero Molino is a senior research scientist at Uber AI, where he focuses on machine learning for language and dialogue. Previously, he founded QuestionCube, a startup that built a framework for semantic search and QA, and worked on learning to rank at Yahoo Labs in Barcelona, on natural language processing with deep learning at IBM Watson in New York, and on grounded language understanding at Geometric Intelligence (acquired by Uber). Piero holds a PhD on question answering from the University of Bari, Italy.


11:55am-12:35pm Thursday, September 6, 2018
Secondary topics:  Text, Language, and Speech
Piero Molino (Uber AI), Huaixiu Zheng (Uber), Yi-Chia Wang (Uber )
Average rating: ****.
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Uber has implemented an ML and NLP system that suggests the most likely solutions to a ticket to its customer support representatives, making them faster and more accurate while providing a better user experience. Piero Molino, Huaixiu Zheng, and Yi-Chia Wang describe how Uber built the system with traditional and deep learning models and share the lessons learned along the way. Read more.