Presented By O’Reilly and Intel AI
Put AI to work
Sep 4-5, 2018: Training
Sep 5-7, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Francisco, CA
Drew Hodun

Drew Hodun
ML Specialist, Google Cloud

Drew Hodun is an ML specialist on the Google Cloud team, where he advises financial, autonomous, and tech customers implementing cutting-edge ML use cases and systems on Google Cloud and in hybrid environments. His work ranges from operationalizing ML to TensorFlow to GPU/TPU perf tuning.


9:00am-5:00pm Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Sponsored, TensorFlow at AI
Location: Imperial A
Drew Hodun (Google Cloud)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 5 ratings)
In this day-long presentation, you'll walk through the process of building a complete machine learning pipeline, from ingest and exploration to training, evaluation, deployment, and prediction. Read more.