Presented By O’Reilly and Intel AI
Put AI to work
Sep 4-5, 2018: Training
Sep 5-7, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Francisco, CA
Mary Wahl

Mary Wahl
Data Scientist II, Microsoft


Mary Wahl is a data scientist on the AI for Earth team at Microsoft, which helps NGOs apply deep learning to problems in conservation biology and environmental science. Mary has also worked on computer vision and genomics projects as a member of Microsoft’s algorithms and data science solutions team in Boston. Previously, Mary studied recent human migration, disease risk estimation, and forensic reidentification using crowdsourced genomic and genealogical data as a Harvard College Fellow.


9:00am-12:30pm Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Secondary topics:  Computer Vision, Deep Learning tools, Platforms and infrastructure
Mary Wahl (Microsoft), Banibrata De (Microsoft)
High-resolution land cover maps help quantify long-term trends like deforestation and urbanization but are prohibitively costly and time intensive to produce. Mary Wahl and Banibrata De demonstrate how to use Microsoft’s Cognitive Toolkit and Azure cloud resources to produce land cover maps from aerial imagery by training a semantic segmentation DNN—both on single VMs and at scale on GPU clusters. Read more.