Engineer for the future of Cloud
June 10-13, 2019
San Jose, CA
James Turnbull

James Turnbull
VPE, Glitch

Website | @kartar

James Turnbull is VPE at Glitch. A longtime member of the open source community, James is the author of a number of books about open source software. Previously, he was a CTO in residence at Microsoft, founder and chief technology officer at Empatico and Kickstarter, VPE of Venmo, and an adviser at Docker. James likes food, wine, books, photography, and cats. He is not overly keen on long walks on the beach or holding hands.


9:00am9:05am Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Location: Grand Ballroom 220
Nikki McDonald (O’Reilly Media), James Turnbull (Glitch), Ines Sombra (Fastly)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
Program chairs Nikki McDonald, James Turnbull, and Ines Sombra open the first day of keynotes. Read more.
9:00am9:05am Thursday, June 13, 2019
Location: Grand Ballroom 220
Nikki McDonald (O’Reilly Media), Ines Sombra (Fastly), James Turnbull (Glitch)
Program chairs Nikki McDonald, Ines Sombra, and James Turnbull open the second day of keynotes. Read more.