Build Systems that Drive Business
June 11–12, 2018: Training
June 12–14, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA
Tamao Nakahara

Tamao Nakahara
Head of Developer Experience, Weaveworks

Website | @mewzherder

Tamao Nakahara is head of developer experience at Weaveworks and co-organizes DevXCon. Tamao has over 20 years of DevEx, ecosystem alliances, and event experience. Previously, she was director of developer relations at New Relic, ran open source community programs at VMware and Pivotal for Cloud Foundry, Spring, Hadoop, RabbitMQ, and Redis, and helped customers with Oracle virtualization at VMware.


9:00am–5:00pm Monday, June 11, 2018
1-Day Training Location: Almaden Ballroom 2 Level: Beginner
Tamao Nakahara (Weaveworks), Ilya Dmitrichenko (Weaveworks), Stefan Prodan (Weaveworks)
Prometheus—an open source monitoring system and time series database—features a multidimensional data model and a flexible query language and integrates monitoring aspects from client-side instrumentation to alerting. Tamao Nakahara, Ilya Dmitrichenko, and Stefan Prodan offer an overview of Prometheus architecture and concepts and walk you through using Prometheus and PromQL. Read more.