Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
September 11, 2018: Training & Tutorials
September 12–13, 2018: Keynotes & Sessions
New York, NY
Guoqiong Song

Guoqiong Song
Software Engineer, Intel


Guoqiong Song is a senior deep learning software engineer on the big data technology team at Intel. She’s interested in developing and optimizing distributed deep learning algorithms on Spark. She holds a PhD in atmospheric and oceanic sciences with a focus on numerical modeling and optimization from UCLA.

Guoqiong Song是英特尔大数据技术团队的高级深度学习软件工程师。 她拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校的大气和海洋科学博士学位,专业方向是数值建模和优化。 她现在的研究兴趣是开发和优化分布式深度学习算法。


2:00pm–2:40pm Thursday, 09/13/2018
Location: 1A 15/16 Level: Intermediate
Secondary topics:  Deep Learning, Media, Marketing, Advertising
Guoqiong Song (Intel), Wenjing Zhan (Talroo), Jacob Eisinger (Talroo )
Can the talent industry make the job search/match more relevant and personalized for a candidate by leveraging deep learning techniques? Guoqiong Song, Wenjing Zhan, and Jacob Eisinger demonstrate how to leverage distributed deep learning framework BigDL on Apache Spark to predict a candidate’s probability of applying to specific jobs based on their résumé. Read more.