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O’Reilly + Cloudera
Make Data Work
March 25-28, 2019
San Francisco, CA
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Mei Fung

Mei Fung
Cofounder, People Centered Internet

Website | @meilinfung

Mei Lin Fung is a technology pioneer working to ensure that technology works for humanity as the next 3.9 billion people come online. In 1989, she was part of the two-person skunkworks team that developed OASIS, the first customer relationship management (CRM) system. She later served as sociotechnical lead for the US Department of Defense’s Federal Health Futures initiative. In 2015, she joined “father of the internet” Vint Cerf to cofound the People-Centered Internet, which maintains a global network of “positive change agents” committed to ensuring that technology is developed with a people-centered focus—increasing access while ensuring equality, protecting the vulnerable, and prioritizing human well-being. She serves on the World Economic Forum Steering committee for Internet for All. She chairs the Industry Connections Social Impact Measurement Pre-standards working group for the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and is liaison to the Standards Association for the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee. She is founder and unit coordinator of the California Health Medical Reserve Corps.


2:40pm3:20pm Thursday, March 28, 2019
Mei Fung (People Centered Internet)
Average rating: ****.
(4.67, 3 ratings)
Data sharing necessitates stakeholders and populations of people to come together to learn the benefits, risks, challenges, and known and unknown "unknowns." Data sharing policies and frameworks require increasing levels of trust, which takes time to build. Join Mei Fung for trail-blazing stories from Solano County, California, and ASEAN (SE Asia), which offer important insights Read more.