Presented By
O’Reilly + Cloudera
Make Data Work
March 25-28, 2019
San Francisco, CA
Daragh Sibley

Daragh Sibley
Director, Data Science, Stitch Fix


Daragh Sibley is director of data science at Stitch Fix, where he leads a team of data scientists that use algorithms and the scientific method to optimize the portfolio of products stocked in Stitch Fix’s inventory. Previously, Daragh spent a decade in academia, where he developed neural networks of human language acquisition and tested their predictions with behavioral and neuroimaging experiments.


2:40pm3:20pm Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Eric Colson (Stitch Fix), Daragh Sibley (Stitch Fix)
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(4.79, 14 ratings)
A/B testing has revealed the fallibility in human intuition that typically drives business decisions. Eric Colson and Daragh Sibley describe some types of systematic errors domain experts commit, explain how cognitive biases arise from heuristic reasoning processes, and share several mechanisms to mitigate these human limitations and improve decision making. Read more.