Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
March 5–6, 2018: Training
March 6–8, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA
Gian Merlino

Gian Merlino
Cofounder and CTO, Imply

Website | @gianmerlino

Gian Merlino is CTO and cofounder of Imply and is one of the original committers of the Druid project. Previously, he worked at Metamarkets and Yahoo. Gian holds a BS in computer science from the California Institute of Technology.


4:20pm5:00pm Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Gian Merlino (Imply)
Average rating: ****.
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Gian Merlino discusses the SQL layer recently added to the open source Druid project. It's based on Apache Calcite, which bills itself as "the foundation for your next high-performance database." Gian explains how Druid and Calcite are integrated and why you should stop worrying and learn to love relational algebra in your own projects. Read more.