Microservice migration road map
Who is this presentation for?
- Enterprise architects, developers, product managers, and team leaders
A key element of any healthy API program is the ability to upgrade and migrate existing services in your ecosystem without causing fatal service disruptions. It takes a concerted effort to safely and successfully complete API migrations, and organizations that can consistently upgrade their running systems share a common set of skills and employ similar techniques.
Mike Amundsen explains four common principles of successful migrations: one brick at a time, refactoring your landscape, interfaces are forever, and support instant reversibility. He then demonstrates how to use the STAR method to safely and effectively migrate your existing IT infrastructure to a microservice platform—all without interrupting your current IT services.
Join in to discover the power of the STAR method for stabilizing the existing interface, transforming the services behind the interface, adding new functionality to the interface, and rinsing and repeating. Along the way, you’ll learn to leverage observability patterns to monitor migration progress and learn how to use the STAR method for any kind of transformation or migration task.
Prerequisite knowledge
- General knowledge of software architecture and service-oriented development
- Familiarity with systems thinking
What you'll learn
- Understand that a key element of any healthy API program is the ability to upgrade and migrate existing services in your ecosystem without causing fatal service disruptions
- Learn how to use the STAR method to safely and effectively migrate your existing IT infrastructure to a microservice platform
Mike Amundsen
Amundsen.com, Inc.
Mike Amundsen is an internationally known author and speaker who travels the world discussing network architecture, web development, and the intersection of technology and society. He’s helped companies large and small capitalize on the opportunities provided by APIs, microservices, and digital transformation. He’s authored numerous books and papers and contributed to the O’Reilly book Continuous API Management. He’s the author of RESTful Web Clients and coauthor of Microservice Architecture. His latest book is Design and Build Great APIs (Pragmatic Publishing).
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thanks to all session attendees. here is a link to the downloadable slides: http://g.mamund.com/2020-02-sacon-nyc