Engineering the Future of Software
Feb 3–4, 2019: Training
Feb 4–6, 2019: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Jan Kleinert

Jan Kleinert
Developer Advocate, Red Hat

Jan Kleinert is a developer advocate at Red Hat, where she focuses on OpenShift and the developer experience for developers working with containers and Kubernetes. Previously, she worked in a variety of roles ranging from developer relations to web analytics and conversion optimization.


1:15pm–2:05pm Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Location: Sutton North
Jan Kleinert (Red Hat)
Average rating: ***..
(3.50, 4 ratings)
Kubernetes scales and manages stateless applications quite easily. Stateful applications can require more work. They can be harder to dynamically manage with data intact and sometimes come with their own notion of clustering. Jan Kleinert offers an overview of Operators—Kubernetes agents that know how to deploy, scale, manage, back up, and even upgrade complex stateful applications. Read more.