Engineering the Future of Software
Feb 3–4, 2019: Training
Feb 4–6, 2019: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Patrick Kua

Patrick Kua
Chief Scientist, N26

Website | @patkua

Patrick Kua is the chief scientist at the mobile bank N26, where he’s building the engineering group that will change how retail banking works. Previously, Patrick was the CTO of N26 and a principal technical consultant at ThoughtWorks in London. He’s the author of three books: The Retrospective Handbook, Talking with Tech Leads, and most recently, Building Evolutionary Architectures. Patrick is a frequent conference speaker and blogger. He’s passionate about bringing a balanced focus between people, organizations, and technology.


2:15pm–3:05pm Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Location: Mercury Ballroom
Secondary topics:  Best Practice, Overview
Patrick Kua (N26)
Average rating: ****.
(4.62, 24 ratings)
Being a successful architect requires more than just a good understanding of architecture. Patrick Kua explores the breadth of skills and experience an architect should focus on and outlines the balance of traits that makes a well-rounded architect. Read more.