Engineering the Future of Software
29–31 Oct 2018: Tutorials & Conference
31 Oct–1 Nov 2018: Training
London, UK

Cloud native is about culture, not containers

Holly Cummins (IBM Cloud Garage)
16:5017:40 Monday, 29 October 2018
Location: Blenheim Room - Palace Suite
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 4 ratings)

What you'll learn

  • Explore a methodology for making your organization cloud native


As a developer in IBM’s Cloud Garage, Holly Cummins works with customers who are trying to shift their businesses to the cloud, and to cloud native in particular. Their dream is more effort higher up the value chain, more innovation, and greater adaptability. What they really want is to beat their competitors to market, with something that’s better than their competitors, and then evolve it to beat any new competitors. What’s getting in their way isn’t the technology—wrapping something in a docker container (usually) isn’t that hard. Instead, it’s the structures that have been put in place to manage risk and the relationships between teams that trip companies up.

Holly shares stories of customers struggling to get cloud native and explains how IBM applied its methodology to turn things around. You’ll learn the ideal team size, the ideal microservice size, what skills a team needs, the role of architects, how to know if something is ready to ship, and whose fault everything is (joke).

Photo of Holly Cummins

Holly Cummins

IBM Cloud Garage

Holly Cummins is the worldwide development practice lead for the IBM Cloud Garage and a developer in the London Cloud Garage. A Java Champion, IBM Q Ambassador, and JavaOne Rock Star, Holly was previously delivery lead for the WebSphere Liberty Profile (now Open Liberty). She coauthored Enterprise OSGi in Action form Manning and is an active speaker at events including JavaOne, Devoxx, JavaZone, JFokus, The ServerSide Java Symposium, JAX London, QCon, GeeCon, and the Great Indian Developer Summit, as well as a number of user groups.