Fueling innovative software
July 15-18, 2019
Portland, OR

Open Source AI Platform Architect, IBM

Website | @lresende1975

Luciano Resende is a senior technical staff manager (STSM) and open source data science and AI platform architect at IBM CODAIT (formerly Spark Technology Center). He’s a member of ASF, where he’s been contributing to open source for over 10 years. He contributes to various big data-related Apache projects around the Apache Spark ecosystem as well as Jupyter ecosystem projects, building a scalable, secure, and flexible enterprise data science platform.


11:00am11:45am Tuesday, July 16, 2019
ML Ops Day
Location: E145/146
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 1 rating)
The Jupyter Notebook has become the de facto platform for data scientists and AI engineers to build interactive applications and develop AI/ML models. Luciano Resende details how to schedule related notebooks that correspond to different phases of the model lifecycle into notebook-based AI pipelines and walks you through scenarios that demonstrate how to reuse notebooks via parameterization. Read more.