Put open source to work
July 16–17, 2018: Training & Tutorials
July 18–19, 2018: Conference
Portland, OR
Drew Moseley

Drew Moseley
Technical Solutions Architect, Mender.io


Drew Moseley is a technical solutions architect at Northern.Tech, where he works on the Mender.io open source project to deploy OTA software updates to embedded Linux devices. Throughout his career, Drew has focused on embedded software and developer tools, including embedded Linux and Yocto. He has worked at Mentor Graphics, Red Hat, Intel, and Monta Vista Software on embedded projects such as RAID storage controllers, direct and network-attached storage devices, and graphical pagers. He spent the last seven years working in operating system professional services, where he helped customers develop production embedded Linux systems. Drew is a frequent speaker at conferences such as Embedded Systems Conference and All Systems Go. He was raised in Tampa, Florida, and attended the University of Florida.


11:50am12:30pm Thursday, July 19, 2018
Edge computing
Location: E146
Level: Beginner
Drew Moseley (Mender.io)
Average rating: ****.
(4.33, 3 ratings)
Drew Moseley explores the malware infecting Linux IoT devices, including Mirai, Hajime, and BrickerBot, and the vulnerabilities they leverage to enslave or brick connected devices. Drew then walks you through specific vectors they used to exploit devices and covers some security hardening basic concepts and practices that would have largely protected against them. Read more.
4:15pm4:55pm Thursday, July 19, 2018
Edge computing
Location: E146
Level: Beginner
Drew Moseley (Mender.io)
A key requirement for connected Linux devices is the ability to deploy remote software updates to them so that bugs, vulnerabilities, and new features can be addressed. Drew Moseley shares best practices and the current state of software updates for connected devices, drawn from interviews with more than 100 embedded developers undertaken as part of the Mender.io project. Read more.