Put open source to work
July 16–17, 2018: Training & Tutorials
July 18–19, 2018: Conference
Portland, OR
Erich Stoekl

Erich Stoekl
DevOps Engineer, 1990

Eric Stoekl is a Seattle-based DevOps engineer at Motorola Solutions. In his free time, he is a contributor to the OpenFaaS project and author of several blog posts providing guidance on how to deploy and use OpenFaaS in different scenarios.


1:30pm5:00pm Monday, July 16, 2018
Distributed computing
Location: D137/138
Level: Intermediate
Erich Stoekl (1990), Jonas Rosland (VMware)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 2 ratings)
Eric Stoekl and Jonas Rosland walk you through building a serverless application. You'll start off by deploying OpenFaaS to your laptop with Docker and then learn how to build, deploy, and invoke serverless functions in Python. You'll finish by building a GitHub bot that puts all your new knowledge together into a single application. Read more.