Put open source to work
July 16–17, 2018: Training & Tutorials
July 18–19, 2018: Conference
Portland, OR

Building a serverless continuous integration and delivery pipeline

Anubhav Mishra (HashiCorp)
2:35pm3:15pm Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Evolutionary architecture
Location: D137/138
Level: Beginner
Average rating: ****.
(4.75, 4 ratings)

Who is this presentation for?

  • Developers, operations engineers, system administrators, and SREs

Prerequisite knowledge

  • A basic understanding of continuous integration and delivery platforms
  • A working knowledge of any programming language

What you'll learn

  • Learn where serverless computing can provide huge cost savings
  • Gain firsthand experience building a CI/CD system on public clouds such as AWS, Google, and Azure


Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) systems are part and parcel of today’s software delivery pipelines. Today, there are two choices for a CI/CD system: you either pay for a service or host your own. However, most of the time, we end up waiting for resources to free up or paying for underutilized resources.

Anubhav Mishra explains how to use serverless computing to create a cost-effective and reliable CI/CD pipeline. Anubhav offers an overview of serverless computing projects that focus on solving the CI/CD problem and shows you where to get started. Anubhav then walks you through creating a CI/CD pipeline for a modern containerized application from scratch using serverless platforms like Amazon Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. Along the way, Anubhav also shows how this CI/CD system can be integrated with the tools developers use daily like GitHub and Slack to make the software delivery experience even better, using philosophies like ChatOps.

Photo of Anubhav Mishra

Anubhav Mishra


Anubhav Mishra is a developer advocate at HashiCorp. He created Atlantis—an open source project that helps teams collaborate on infrastructure using Terraform. Previously, he worked at Hootsuite, where he built distributed systems and a microservice delivery platform. Anubhav loves open source software and is continuously finding ways to contribute to projects that excite him and helping developers and operators do better. That has led him to contribute to Virtual Kubelet and Helm (Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects). In his free time, he DJs, makes music, and plays football. He’s a huge Manchester United supporter.