Put open source to work
July 16–17, 2018: Training & Tutorials
July 18–19, 2018: Conference
Portland, OR

Comprehensive container-based service monitoring with Kubernetes and Istio

Fred Moyer (Zendesk)
9:00am12:30pm Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Distributed computing, Istio, Kubernetes
Location: Portland 256
Level: Beginner
Average rating: ***..
(3.00, 2 ratings)

Who is this presentation for?

  • Kubernetes operators, developers, and systems operators

Prerequisite knowledge

  • A working knowledge of Kubernetes operations or Docker with Consul

Materials or downloads needed in advance

What you'll learn

  • Learn how to set up the Istio service mesh under Kubernetes or Docker/Consul, deploy a sample application with Istio, ingest systems telemetry using Istio, design and implementation of a RED dashboard for a microservice, quantify service level objectives, and evaluate API endpoint performance with statistics
  • Understand the difference between percentiles, distributions, and averages


Operating containerized infrastructure brings with it a new set of challenges, particularly with instrumenting your containers, evaluating your API endpoint performance, and identifying bad actors in your infrastructure. The Istio service mesh enables instrumentation of APIs without code change and provides service latencies for free.

But how do you actually make sense all that data? With math, that’s how.

Fred Moyer explains how to get a comprehensive understanding of your Kubernetes infrastructure with a little math and an Istio service mesh implementation for your container-based infrastructure. You’ll learn about infrastructure performance and discover how to determine if your services are under- or overprovisioned. Along the way, Fred demonstrates mathematical techniques to ask and answer business queries and walks you through creating RED (rate, errors, and duration) dashboards that provide insight into API performance (which are essential for meeting service level objectives) and implementing cost-effective monitoring at scale with histograms (which preserve metric fidelity and enable statistical analysis).

Photo of Fred Moyer

Fred Moyer


Fred is a SLOgician at Zendesk. He spends his days thinking about service-level objectives, service-level indicators, error budgets, and how to apply them across Zendesk’s Kubernetes-based infrastructure of services. Fred has almost 20 years of developing production systems for companies such as Turnitin; he honed his observability skills recently as a developer evangelist at Circonus. He likes to write C, Go, Perl, Ruby, etc. Fred has two young kids and can always use more coffee.

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Picture of Audra Carter
07/09/2018 7:11am PDT

Hi Vaibhav Shah – the link should be ready by this Wednesday and you will receive it via email.

Vaibhav Shah |
07/09/2018 6:48am PDT

I received email with the below. But it would help to get links

Prerequisite knowledge

  • A working knowledge of Kubernetes operations or Docker with Consul

Materials or downloads needed in advance

  • A laptop with Kubernetes or Docker and Consul installed
  • Download materials from the course GitHub repository (link TBD)