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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Daniel Mietchen

Daniel Mietchen
Senior Researcher, University of Virginia

Website | @EvoMRI

Daniel Mietchen is a biophysicist interested in integrating research workflows with the World Wide Web, particularly through open licensing, open standards, public version histories, and forkability. With research activities spanning from the subcellular to the organismic level, from fossils to developing embryos and from insect larvae to elephants, he has experienced multiple shades of the research cycle and a variety of approaches to collaboration and sharing in research contexts. He has also been contributing to Wikipedia and its sister projects for more than a decade and is actively engaged in increasing the interactions between the Wikimedia and research communities.


4:10pm–4:50pm Friday, August 25, 2017
Reproducible research and open science
Location: Murray Hill Level: Intermediate
Daniel Mietchen (University of Virginia)
Jupyter notebooks are a popular option for sharing data science workflows. Daniel Mietchen shares best practices for reproducibility and other aspects of usability (documentation, ease of reuse, etc.) gleaned from analyzing Jupyter notebooks referenced in PubMed Central, an ongoing project that started at a hackathon earlier this year and is being documented on GitHub. Read more.