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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

Writing professional documents for the 21st century with Authorea

Researchers, data scientists, and professionals spend their days doing cutting-edge work. But when it comes time to writing, and disseminating their work, they’re often still using models and tools that haven’t changed much in decades, if not centuries. Many professional documents produced today are still inherently intended for a printer-centric world – they do not seamlessly include data, code and any other object which allows to reproduce and discern their content. Authorea is a new collaborative, web-based platform for writing, editing and publishing data-driven professional documents. Authorea supports the creation of mixed-format documents including LaTeX, markdown, and rich text and lets you integrate data, code, Jupyter Notebooks, j3.js visualizations and other materials in a Git-based version controlled repository system for documents. It is now in use at each of the top 100 research universities worldwide, across a diverse set of fields ranging from astrophysics to zoology.