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August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
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Advances in Computational Application Prototyping through Jupyter Notebook Extensions

Moderated by: Roy Hyunjin Han

Who is this presentation for?

Analysts, Researchers

Prerequisite knowledge

Attendees should be familiar with the challenges of creating and deploying web tools and applications in order to appreciate the content of this talk.

What you'll learn

Learn how various open source extensions can help you prototype and publish computational web applications using Jupyter Notebook.


All of the extensions presented in this talk are open source.

- Debug notebooks (5 minutes)
- Prototype computational web applications that have user interfaces (10 minutes)
- Publish and serve computational web applications directly from notebook files locally or online (5 minutes)
- Use data type plugins for tables, spatial tables, standard images, satellite images, audio, video and other user interface controls (10 minutes)
- Test notebooks automatically (5 minutes)