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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

We Need a Jupyter Based FreeCodeCamp for Analytics: Introducing the AnalyticsDojo

Moderated by: Jason Kuruzovich

Who is this presentation for?

Instructors and other individuals interested in content creation and delivery. Also people who may be interested in online learning resources involving Jupyter.

Prerequisite knowledge


What you'll learn

There are important technology and community consideration when building a content community to grow alongside the technical Jupyter infrastructure. I also hope to directly fined collaborators and others interested in helping to build the platform.


I’ve been working on an online learning platform for analytics called the AnalyticsDojo. The AnalyticsDojo project was inspired by the website Freecodecamp, which is a very successful open source learning platform and community for learning web development skills (including html, css, javascript, node, and more). I believe that Freecodecamp represents a new model of online learning platform and is relevant for the Jupyter community.

Just as Wikipedia found how to leverage the wisdom of the crowds to create the world’s most extensive encyclopedia, FreeCodeCamp figured out how to leverage distributed content creation to develop one of the most complete sources of free content for web development online. This is done in such a way that a small group sets the narrative of the suggested lessons. This pathway then provides a guide to individuals who fill in the associated content and exercises. All of this is done through Github and YAML files and committed to github.

The objective of my talk will be to introduce the audience to what I think are the unique aspects of the model of education provided by Freecodecamp and the AnalyticsDojo and provide a roadmap for building a learning community based on some guiding principles.

1. The learning platform should be open source and valuable for both online learners and classroom environments.
2. The learning platform should have a persistent community, both online and offline, and the start data is whenever you start.
3. The learning platform should cover an entire domain of knowledge, with a clear pathway towards progressing.
4. The learning platform should enable collaborative content creation.

While the current AnalyticsDojo site is really a proof of concept, I believe that the Jupyterhub community can come together in order to develop a high quality free online certificate using the FreeCodeCamp model. Whether it is at the AnalyticsDojo or somewhere else, there is a lot to be learned by the way they have created a global learning community at FreecodeCamp, and I’m glad to adjust the talk to talk more generally about these principals or more specifically about the technology of the platform. In the 45 minutes, I believe I would have time to cover a great deal of detail. Thanks in advance for your consideration of my proposal.