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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

Spylon Kernel - A pure python scala kernel

Moderated by: Marius van Niekerk

Who is this presentation for?

Data scientists, Software engineers

Prerequisite knowledge

Some familiarity with Apache Spark would be beneficial

What you'll learn

Knowledge about which scala kernel is the right one for you. A better understanding of kernels and metakernels.


There are several scala kernels available for jupyter.

This talk will explain the design goals of one of them (jupyter-scala) and how it compares against other scala kernels (Apache Toree, Livy and jupyter-scala).

We will show how the Python Spark bindings (PySpark) work via py4j.

Spylon-kernel builds on this by providing a pure python kernel using the same interoperability layer backed by metakernel.