Building a Better Web
June 19–20, 2017: Training
June 20–22, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA
Brandon Cipes

Brandon Cipes
VP of DevOps, cPrime

Brandon Cipes is vice president of DevOPs at cPrime. Brandon has spent his career overhauling and refactoring teams, systems, software, and processes to bring the best solutions possible to all variety of technical and business challenges. He began in research, has been a part of multiple startups (one was even successful), moved on to corporate America, and now consults to organizations looking to modernize their approach to technology. He has a proven track record of conceiving and delivering large scale projects on time, utilizing the latest in cloud technology and the Agile and DevOps methodologies. Brandon is focused on people with a history of building teams, nurturing a healthy and productive culture, and developing sustainable solutions across multiple industries.


9:50am–10:30am Thursday, June 22, 2017
Location: 212 CD (Sponsored)
Mike Tria (Atlassian), Julian Dunn (Chef Software Inc.), Brandon Cipes (cPrime), Tommer Wizansky (AutoGrid Systems)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)
Mike Tria asks experienced DevOps practitioners Rajeev Singh, Julian Dunn, and Brandon Cipes what they think about some of the most popular yet most contentious DevOps questions: Are roles with DevOps in the title real? How do I convince my lead or CTO that there are quantifiable benefits of doing DevOps? Who is winning the battle of DevOps automation versus culture? Read more.