Building a Better Web
June 19–20, 2017: Training
June 20–22, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA
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Lucas Fernandes

Lucas Fernandes
Full Stack Developer, Shaw and Partners


Lucas Fernandes is a full stack developer at Shaw and Partners. Lucas breathes JavaScript and is passionate about open source. He is a core team member of Chai.js, one of the most popular libraries in the Node.js ecosystem, and is always trying to find better and more efficient ways to solve problems. His motto is “strive to be lazy.”


11:00am–11:40am Thursday, June 22, 2017
Future JS & Functional
Location: 210 BF
Secondary topics:  JavaScript/ES6, Node.js
Lucas Fernandes (Shaw and Partners)
Average rating: ***..
(3.80, 10 ratings)
Infinite sequences, lazy properties, and changing your program’s structure in runtime. Yes, JavaScript is that powerful. Lucas Fernandes demonstrates how to solve problems in a smarter way and with better performance and readability by redefining how the language’s features work behind the scenes. Read more.