14–17 Oct 2019
Vineet Khare

Vineet Khare
Manager, Applied Science, Amazon Web Services

Vineet Khare is a manager of applied science at AWS, where he’s led the research and development efforts for multiple AWS products, including SageMaker built-in algorithms, SageMaker RL, AWS DeepRacer, and AWS Ground Truth. He’s presented his research at international conferences including PPSN, EMO, GECCO, and SEAL. He’s also conducted SageMaker workshops and tutorials at AWS events such as the annual conference, re:Invent.


13:3017:00 Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Location: Windsor Suite
Sergey Ermolin (Amazon Web Services), Vineet Khare (Amazon Web Services)
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(1.50, 4 ratings)
Sergey Ermolin and Vineet Khare provide a step-by-step overview on how to implement, train, and deploy a reinforcement learning (RL)-based recommender system with real-time multivariate optimization. They show you how leverage RL to implement a recommender system that optimizes an advertisement message that promotes adoption of merchant's services. Read more.
  • Intel AI
  • O'Reilly
  • Amazon Web Services
  • IBM Watson
  • Dell Technologies
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • AXA

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