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The official Jupyter Conference
Aug 21-22, 2018: Training
Aug 22-24, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Damián Avila

Damián Avila
Software Development Team Lead, Anaconda, Inc.


Damián Avila is a software development team lead at Anaconda, Inc. A software developer, data scientist, and quantitative analyst from Córdoba, Argentina, his interests include data science, finance, data visualization, and the Jupyter/IPython ecosystem. Damián has made meaningful contributions to several open source projects and is a core developer for popular projects such as Jupyter/IPython, Nikola, and Bokeh. His personal project RISE, a “live” slideshow for the Jupyter Notebook, is quite popular. Damián is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.


5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, August 24, 2018
Extensions and customization, Training and education, Usage and application
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Beginner
Damián Avila (Anaconda, Inc.)
RISE has evolved into the main slideshow machinery for live presentations within the Jupyter notebook. Damián Avila explains how to install and use RISE. You'll also discover how to customize it and see some of its new capabilities. Damián concludes by discussing the migration from RISE into a new JupyterLab-RISE extension providing RISE-based capabilities in the new JupyterLab interface. Read more.