Build & maintain complex distributed systems
October 1–2, 2017: Training
October 2–4, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Karthik Kirupanithi

Karthik Kirupanithi
Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services

Karthik Kirupanithi is a software development engineer at Amazon Web Services. Previously, Karthik worked for Amazon, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, and Dow Jones. He enjoys solving everyday problems and automating and simplifying everyday work; his recent interests include systems management and Alexa skill development.


4:45pm5:25pm Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Karthik Kirupanithi (Amazon Web Services)
Voice UIs like Amazon's Alexa can make systems management simple, intuitive, and delightful. The virtual private assistant feel of a VUI, coupled with the abstraction that voice commands bring, break the tedium of management tasks. Karthik Kirupanithi demonstrates how to put together an Alexa skill that can perform tasks using the EC2 Systems Manager. Read more.