Build & maintain complex distributed systems
October 1–2, 2017: Training
October 2–4, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

Docker production: Orchestration, security, and beyond

Bret Fisher (DevOps Consultant), Shawn Bower (Cornell University), Jesse White (Contino)
9:00am12:30pm Monday, October 2, 2017
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 1 rating)

Prerequisite knowledge

  • A working knowledge of Docker (You are familiar with Docker images and containers, have used Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml in some fashion and understand the basic commands and purpose behind them, and have set up Docker for running containers on a server or have a good idea of how to do it.)

Materials or downloads needed in advance

  • A laptop with an SSH program installed

What you'll learn

  • Learn how to build a multinode, secure Docker Swarm cluster and how to deploy and manage a multicontainer, highly available microservice app inside a cluster
  • Gain hands-on experience with daily and intermediate-level tasks a container cluster operator deals with and with production security and data management options for Docker


Take your containers into production and operate Docker clusters like a pro. This workshop skips Docker basics and avoids the CI/CD tools needed to get code ready for production. Rather, it focuses squarely on the tools and techniques of daily building and operating container clusters using Docker.

Starting where previous Docker workshops leave off, Bret Fisher, Shawn Bower, and Tony Pujals dive into the new Swarm mode clustering (services), failover, blue-green deployments, monitoring, logging, troubleshooting, and security, covering the latest built-in features and common third-party tools as they walk you through installing them on your own five-node cloud Swarm cluster.


Docker Swarm

  • SSH into your five nodes and create a Swarm
  • Spin up a sample multicontainer microservice app
  • Use built-in commands to validate it’s working and logging; use troubleshooting techniques on the overlay networks and to jump into containers
  • Deploy redundant containers and test high availability
  • Use blue-green deployments to update apps without downtime, including rollback
  • Deal with failed containers and failed cluster nodes

Common third-party tools for logging, monitoring, and troubleshooting

  • Set up and test ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana)
  • Set up and test cAdvisor
  • Set up and test Prometheus

Key features of production systems

  • Docker security features—seccomp profile, custom cgroups, apparmor profiles, and namespace setup
  • Persistent data and backups love containers too—options from host, bind-mounts, commit, etc., options from sidecar/util container, shared storage 9EFS/NFS), mesh storage (infinit), and REX-Ray

Other things you’ll learn along the way

  • Troubleshooting and sysadmin tools you may have forgotten
  • New tools for the container admin
  • Staying up to date on Docker tool releases
  • Command aliases for quicker day-to-day container management
  • Shell scripts for common processes
Photo of Bret Fisher

Bret Fisher

DevOps Consultant

Bret Fisher is a Virginia Beach-based freelance DevOps and Docker consultant, trainer, speaker, and open source volunteer. Bret has been a cloud and data center ops and system administrator for 20 years. Currently, he helps teams Dockerize their apps and systems and improve their speed of deployment, resiliency, metrics, and awareness (all that DevOps-y stuff). Bret is a Docker Captain and Code for America Brigade Captain. He runs several monthly meetups, speaks at conferences, and is obsessed with containerizing any app he sees. (He’ll likely talk your ear off about it next time you meet.) Bret also develops in Node.js, Bash, and general web, usually for open source projects. In his free time, he does CrossFit, surfs a little, geeks out in the awesome local dev community in Virginia Beach, and travels with his wife. He writes at and tweets at @bretfisher.

Photo of Shawn Bower

Shawn Bower

Cornell University

Shawn Bower is the cloud architect for Cornell University, where he has helped to move many of the university’s workloads to Docker and the cloud. When not coding, Shawn is sleeping.

Photo of Jesse White

Jesse White


Jesse White is a Principal at Contino with more than 15 years of technology industry experience across financial services, healthcare, advertising, e-commerce, and IoT. A 10 year veteran of New York City’s startup ecosystem, he’s been busy building tech-focused human capital, with an eye for getting things done. As a founder of the DockerNYC Meetup group, Jesse has spent the last 5 years build teams and technology at the intersection of DevOps, cloud computing, and security. Jesse is an avid eater/listener/reader of good things.

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Picture of André Morrow
06/01/2017 10:02am EDT

Hi. “Docker Production” is a 3.5 hour tutorial. We are still building the site. The full schedule will be available soon. The tutorial date and time is listed a the top of the page.

05/26/2017 11:45am EDT

Is this a 3-4 hour tutorial. Can you provide the schedule? Thanks!