Engineer for the future of Cloud
June 10-13, 2019
San Jose, CA

From puzzles to products

Jessica Kerr (Atomist)
9:35am10:00am Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Location: Grand Ballroom 220
Average rating: ****.
(4.62, 34 ratings)

A career in programming progresses from solving well-defined problems to defining problems to determining which to solve. What is the “right” way to do software? It depends on what kind of program we’re talking about. Jess Kerr draws lines that resolve some arguments about types, tests, and correctness.

Jess argues that most programming careers aren’t about writing software; they’re about changing it. With this distinction, she’ll share some things about reuse, delivery, quality, and how to grow as a programmer.

Photo of Jessica Kerr

Jessica Kerr


Jessica Kerr is a developer at Atomist, where she makes development automation. She also podcasts on Greater Than Code and Arrested DevOps, and she speaks at software conferences around the world. Currently, she’s into resilience engineering, domain-driven design, and the practice of symmathesy: collaboration through mutual learning between us and the software we make.