Engineer for the future of Cloud
June 10-13, 2019
San Jose, CA

Pack your bags: Managing distributed applications with CNAB

1:30pm5:00pm Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Building Cloud Native Systems
Location: LL21 E/F
Average rating: ***..
(3.00, 2 ratings)

Who is this presentation for?

  • Application developers and people who manage infrastructure for deploying those applications



Prerequisite knowledge

  • Experience with Docker
  • An understanding of distributed applications and cloud providers (useful but not required)

Materials or downloads needed in advance

  • A laptop with Docker installed (GitHub repos will be provided.)

What you'll learn

  • Become familiar with the core aspects of the CNAB specification, when CNAB should be used, and how to use Porter to author bundles for your own applications
  • Explore other tooling in the CNAB ecosystem


When we deploy to the cloud, most of us aren’t dealing with just a single cloud provider or even deployment tool. It seems like even the simplest of applications today need NGINX, Let’s Encrypt, persistent file storage, DNS, and—somewhere in there—your application.

That’s a lot to figure out! Porter, a cloud native package manager built on CNAB, helps you manage everything into a single package and focus on what you know best: your application. Jeremy Rickard and Carolyn Van Slyck first cover the CNAB specification; then, they deep dive into Porter and show how it simplifies the bundle authoring experience. Finally, they walk you through several hands-on examples and provide you the basics so you can explore CNAB and Porter to build bundles for your own projects.

Photo of Jeremy Rickard

Jeremy Rickard


Jeremy Rickard is a software engineer on the Azure container compute team working remotely in Colorado. He works on a number of open source projects, including Virtual Kubelet, Open Service Broker for Azure, service catalog, and Cloud Native Application Bundle tooling. Previously, he worked at VMware and helped build infrastructure and services that support VMware Cloud Services and built services using Spring, Cloud Foundry, and Kubernetes.

Photo of Carolyn Van Slyck (CHIEF EMOJI

Carolyn Van Slyck (CHIEF EMOJI


Carolyn Van Slyck is a software developer based in the wilds of suburban Chicago, working remotely on the Microsoft cloud native team. Her passion is developer tools and building vibrant inclusive open source communities around them. She’s a maintainer for the Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) Spec, Duffle, and Porter, Kubernetes service catalog, and the GoMods Athens Proxy. Carolyn runs Women Who Go and organizes for the Chicago chapters of Women Who Go and Write/Speak/Code. In between code reviews, Carolyn hauls her cookies around the world to share her love of open source, containers, and excessive emoji.