Engineer for the future of Cloud
June 10-13, 2019
San Jose, CA

The Ops in the Serverless

Jennifer Davis (Microsoft)
4:45pm5:25pm Thursday, June 13, 2019
Location: 230 A
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 4 ratings)



Prerequisite knowledge

Some operational awareness.


A function is deployed, and alerts go off. When our intrepid site reliability engineer responds to the change in availability, she begins the task of debugging and implementing new tests to catch the issue in future deployments. While the nature and complexity of computing changes, the need for specialized operations engineering skills increases.

In this talk, we examine the role of Operations, how it has evolved with the advent of new compute paradigms and what the future looks like. We’ll use the serverless platform to examine three critical areas of operational readiness of testing, monitoring, and debugging.

Photo of Jennifer Davis

Jennifer Davis


Jennifer Davis is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. Previously, she was a principal site reliability engineer at RealSelf and developed cookbooks to simplify building and managing infrastructure at Chef. Jennifer is the coauthor of Effective DevOps and speaks about DevOps, tech culture, and monitoring. She also gives tutorials on a variety of technical topics.