Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
September 11, 2018: Training & Tutorials
September 12–13, 2018: Keynotes & Sessions
New York, NY
JF Gagne

JF Gagne
CEO, Element AI


JF Gagne is CEO of Element AI. A senior global executive, JF has managed a number of implementation projects for small and large companies and initiated and directed a number of AI, OR, and optimization R&D projects over the past decade. JF has also developed, transferred, and established best practices and cutting-edge technology in many industries, including retail, distribution, manufacturing, call centers, healthcare, airport services, and security. Previous roles include chief innovation and products officer and head of JDA Labs, cofounder and CEO of Planora, and cofounder and director of products for Logiweb.


11:20am–12:00pm Wednesday, 09/12/2018
Location: 1E 10/11 Level: Non-technical
Secondary topics:  Data preparation, governance and privacy, Machine Learning in the enterprise
JF Gagne (Element AI)
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JF Gagne explains why the CIO is going to need a broader mandate in the company to better align their AI training and outcomes with business goals and compliance. This mandate should include an AI governance team that is well staffed and deeply established in the company, in order to catch biases that can develop from faulty goals or flawed data. Read more.