Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
21–22 May 2018: Training
22–24 May 2018: Tutorials & Conference
London, UK
Viola Melis

Viola Melis
Data Scientist, Typeform


Viola Melis is a data scientist at Typeform, an online platform for conversational data collection. Passionate about data analytics and problem solving, Viola has spent the last two years focusing on business problems such as pricing, defining marketing personas, and understanding user behavior. She studied mathematical engineering and statistics at the Politecnico di Milano.


13:0013:30 Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Data-driven business management
Location: Capital Suite 2/3 Level: Non-technical
Viola Melis (Typeform)
Typeform's data team is transitioning into a less centralized structure and embedding its data scientists inside product and business teams. Viola Melis details initiatives the team developed to ensure alignment and cohesion, discusses the journey through this challenging process, and shares lessons learned, best practices, and new processes that were established. Read more.