Presented By O’Reilly and Cloudera
Make Data Work
March 5–6, 2018: Training
March 6–8, 2018: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA
Clare Gollnick

Clare Gollnick
Director of Data Science, NS1


Clare Gollnick is the director of data science at NS1, an industry-leading DNS and traffic management platform. An expert on statistical inference and machine learning, Clare writes and speaks often on the intersection of data, philosophy, and entrepreneurship. Previously, as chief technology officer of Terbium Labs, Clare led a diverse team of engineers and data scientists. Her team built innovate information security products, preventing fraud while still protecting consumer privacy. Clare has published a number of academic papers on information processing within neural networks, validation of new statistical methods, and the philosophy of science. Clare holds a PhD from Georgia Tech and a BS from UC Berkeley.


11:00am11:40am Thursday, March 8, 2018
Average rating: ****.
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At the heart of the reproducibility crisis in the sciences is the widespread misapplication of statistics. Data science relies on the same statistical methodology as these scientific fields. Can we avoid the same crisis of integrity? Clare Gollnick considers the philosophy of data science and shares a framework that explains (and even predicts) the likelihood of success of a data project. Read more.