Engineering the Future of Software
Feb 3–4, 2019: Training
Feb 4–6, 2019: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Mike Amundsen

Mike Amundsen
Author, Trainer, Advisor,, Inc.

Website | @mamund

Mike Amundsen is an internationally known author and speaker who travels the world discussing network architecture, web development, and the intersection of technology and society. He’s helped companies large and small capitalize on the opportunities provided by APIs, microservices, and digital transformation. He’s authored numerous books and papers and contributed to the O’Reilly book Continuous API Management. He’s the author of RESTful Web Clients and coauthor of Microservice Architecture. His latest book is Design and Build Great APIs (Pragmatic Publishing).


3:05pm–3:50pm Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Location: Table D
Mike Amundsen (, Inc.), Ronnie Mitra (CA API Academy), Mehdi Medjaoui (APIDays Conferences/TheMaintainers)
Mike, Mehdi, and Ronnie are here to discuss their new O'Reilly book, Continuous API Management. Read more.
10:45am–12:15pm Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Location: Sutton Center/Sutton South
Secondary topics:  Overview
Mike Amundsen (, Inc.)
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 14 ratings)
Mike Amundsen walks you through building adaptable microservices that take advantage of the features of REST. You’ll learn how to design services that advertise themselves to the network, discover their own “partner” services, and can adapt to subtle changes to existing services without relying only on recode-and-redeploy patterns for maintaining overall system operation. Read more.